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Brian Smith
2009-11-23 13:13:34
Bloxorz and Evacuation

I recently started playing two online puzzle games recently, Evacuation at and Bloxorz at

Evacuation involves opening and closing doors to use decompression to eliminate alien monsters on a spaceship. Bloxorz is a rolling block puzzle game with features like switches which open or close spaces for the block to roll on.

2009-11-26 04:09:50
Re: Bloxorz and Evacuation

Bloxorz. Very interesting. Having to manipulate the block, and reorient its "parity" is quite challenging, however I just cannot manage to get passed Level 27! One switch apparently closes off two tiles permanently and the other two switches have similar attribute but in this case each is responsible for one of those earlier two.

2009-11-26 10:05:32
Re: Bloxorz and Evacuation

Forget it. I actually got to the end point but needed to manipulate just a bit further. Oh, did find additional help if I need it.

2021-02-22 22:25:00
Re: Bloxorz and Evacuation

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