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Bruce Brantley
2004-09-03 06:17:27
Thoughts on Marble Bonanza

I just finished reading the thread on Marble Bonanza. Quite an interesting read. Before I state my thoughts, I think I should post my credentials: I'm not an engineer, never studied set theory, my father never factored liscense plates. If only he had. Okay

1. It took a while to find the definition of "non-sequitur" on the internet.

2. Is infinity - infinity = 0? I don't know. It is logical to conclude that if I remove everything I put in, nothing will be left.

3. I think the premise that someone finished an infinite task is difficult to accept, but hey; It's just a PUZZLE. It's not the real world. It's like reading a knight and knave puzzle, then making the argument that there is no such thing as someone who always tells the truth. We use the premise given in the puzzle.

4. I really would like to know if infinity - infinity = 0 ever occurs in math.

Cory Taylor
2004-09-03 12:29:54
Re: Thoughts on Marble Bonanza

Sure it does. In this problem to be specific... though I STILL think that this puzzle is boggled somehow :(

Basically, this one is about the indeterminance of inifinity. It's relation to other instances of infinity depends on how a particular infinity is created, and, strangely(to me anyways), what branch of mathmatics is being used. There are lots of times when infinity can be included in a mathematical statement that has a finite result, and in this case specifically, infinity minus infinity is zero. (Or maybe better stated as, an infinite quantity minus an infinite quantity leaves no quantity).

Now I just have to wait for SK to correct me...

Federico Kereki
2004-09-03 14:31:06
Re: Thoughts on Marble Bonanza

Infinity-infinity can be anything, finite or infinite. For example, if you remove all prime numbers from the set of all natural numbers, you are still left with an infinite set. But if you remove the set of all odd prime numbers from the set of all prime numbers, the result is finite.

Comparing infinite sets (or doing set operations with them) requires being very careful. I'd suggest googling for "CANTOR" and "INFINITE" or "INFINITY".

Bruce Brantley
2004-09-08 12:29:02
Re: Thoughts on Marble Bonanza

Cory & Federico,

Please understand that I’m not trying to renew a debate. I’m trying to learn, and I’ve found this site to be quite helpful and fun at the same time. I did some reading about Cantor as you suggested Federico. I learned something about cardinals. I understand now that infinity – infinity can equal zero particularly when dealing with the cardinality (is that a word?) of sets. That helped a lot with part B of the solution, but that brought me back to the first part of the solution. Before I saw infinity as a concept and not a number. Therefore concept =concept. Simple. I still see infinity as a concept, but now there are different cardinals of infinity. So in the first part of the solution why isn’t one set a higher cardinal? I suspect it has to do with the mapping of the integers. Meaning that for every 1,2,3,…, 9,… in the first set, there will be 10, 20, 30, …, 90,… in the second set.. Is this correct?

Interesting side note:

A friend of mine is a chemical engineer. I asked him some questions about calculus. He replied, “Let me tell you the trick to calculus. You just have to accept that the crap they are telling you is true.” I thought that was very funny.

2004-09-08 14:06:47
Re: Thoughts on Marble Bonanza


If I had a hotel with inifinite rooms (cardinality aleph null), numbered (one-to-one) with the positive integers, which was 100% occupied, and you came to it and said you want a room for the night, I could honestly respond: sorry, we are 100% full. And we could end right there, and be done with it.

But you could also suggest that we move every person into the room numbered one higher, so 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 406 to 407, etc... And then you could go into room 1. And we could end right there, and be done with it.

Or you could come and say you have an infinite number of friends all of whom are numbered with the positive integers, and they all want to room for the night as well. And I could say: sorry, we are 100% full. And we could end right there and be done with it.

But you could also suggest that we move every person into the room numbered twice their number minus one. So 1 to 1, 2 to 3, 3 to 5, 406 to 811, etc..., freeing up all the even numbered rooms. And then your friends could ALL go into the room that is twice their number: 1 into 2, 2 into 4, 3 into 6, etc....

The point of all of this is that we are potentially confusing cardinality with set membership. And we musn't do that.

We all agree that the set of positive odd integers is equal in size to (that is I can put the elements into a one to one correspondence with the elements of) the set of positive integers. Nevertheless, as shown above, if I take those particular elements (the odd ones) away from the latter set (the evens and odds), I am left with a set (the evens) that is just as large as the original set. And in fact, I can then RENUMBER all the elements (balls) with a number that is half its current value. And I am left with the positive integers again (even and odd).

"Marbles Bonanza" is asking a question about element membership, not size (cardinality) of the sets. It is somewhat analagous to asking the following two questions:
What set remains from the set of all positive integers if I remove:

  • the even positive integers?

  • all positive integers?
In both cases, the removed set has aleph null members. The first answer is a set with infinite members, the second answer is the null set.

So it is possible for:
infinite - infinite = infinite, and
infinite - infinite = zero, and (interestingly enough)
infinite - infinite = some constant (whole numbers - positive integers leaves the set containing zero)

And to address Cory's comment, I think I am only restating what SK has already written in the problem's thread.
Bruce Brantley
2004-09-08 18:41:55
Re: Thoughts on Marble Bonanza


I think your hotel analogy is great and easy to follow, but I’m not sure that I get the point. Is it that we cannot equate apples with oranges? Or is it that infinity cannot be 100% full? Both seem plausible. I realize that you stated your point, but that was the most confusing statement for me. I don’t understand where I confused set membership with cardinality. And why did you use the word potentially? Is it because the point is directed at a larger audience?

The rest of your statement was laid out very well and made perfect sense. I still have a question though. Or rather, I am seeking confirmation of a concept. It is my understanding that when two infinite sets can be mapped one to one onto each other (like you were doing in your analogy), this is proof that they are of equal size. Is this correct?

And by the way, if I came to your hotel and you told me it was 100% full, I wouldn’t argue the matter. I’d find another place to stay.

2004-09-09 01:41:07
Re: Thoughts on Marble Bonanza


I don't know what it means for infinity to be 100% full. For a hotel, I would define 100% full as "every hotel room is occupied". And certainly, for our hypothetical infinite-room hotel, it could be "full".

Yes, I used the word potentially because I didn't want to limit the audience to just you.

Yes, basically, if the elements in both sets can be mapped one-to-one, they are of equal size. But this doesn't mean they have the same elements, such as in the previous example of odd positive integers and even positive integers. Or we could use all positive integers and even positive integers, where in this case, the latter is a subset of the former.

I hope this has helped.

Bruce Brantley
2004-09-09 10:52:25
Re: Thoughts on Marble Bonanza


Yes you have helped a lot, and I appreciate the time you took to explain. Thank you. I’ve been learning so much every day, I’m beginning to think my head may explode. Sorry about the 100% full thing. It occurred to me as I was responding to you. I threw it in because I thought it was funny. Guess I have a sad sense of humor, or at least poor timing.

Sorry Cory, but I have to go with the math guys here. I think SK, Brain Wainscott, and Thalamus have explained their logic well. As far as the puzzle being boggled, I think it is only in the fact that we presume a task with infinite steps was completed. I can presume in other puzzles that someone always tells the truth. I know that no one will ever always tell the truth, but I don’t think this makes the puzzle boggled.

Federico Kereki
2004-09-09 15:05:38
Re: Thoughts on Marble Bonanza

Comparing usual sets is simple: if I have two boxes and I want to know which has more things, I can start taking one thing out of the first box and one thing out of the second box. If the first box runs empty while the second one still has something in it, I can say the first has less things; if they both are empty at the same time, they must have had the same number of things, and so on.

Cantor's trick was noting that the same method was the only one that could be applied to infinite sets. Given two infinite sets, IF (a big IF) you can find a way to pair each and all of the elements of the first set with an element of the second set (a one-to-one relationship), THEN you say both sets are of the same cardinality. (Saying that they both have the same number is elements is problematic, for that would make infinite a number, and it just doesn't work as a number.)

However, IF, no matter what pairing you do, there still are elements "left over" in a set, then you can say that set has greater cardinality.

For example, which set is greater: the natural numbers {1,2,3,4,...} or the natural even numbers {2,4,6,8....}? At first sight one could say the first one is larger, for it includes all the members of the second set, and furthermore adds the odd numbers. HOWEVER, if we pair the elements thus: 1-2, 2-4, 3-6, 4-8, ... for each number in the first set there is a number in the second one, and vice versa -- we must conclude that both sets have the same cardinality.

It's hard and difficult, but (as with relativity or quantum physics) the problems come because we are dealing with quantities we are unaccostumed to... no one ever drives so fast, or becomes so small, or gets so large sets to work with! ;-)

Bruce Brantley
2004-09-09 18:36:42
Re: Thoughts on Marble Bonanza


Thank you for even more clarity. I feel like I should just leave you guys alone now, but I would like to ask you one more question about Cantor. I read several articles on Cantor and his theory. It was easy for me to follow how the alpha null sets were compared and determined even in cardinality. Maybe they have the same cardinality is a better way to say it.

My problem was when they started to show how real numbers cannot be mapped one to one to the rational numbers, I could not follow the proof. I couldn't find the pattern in the numbers. Surely I will find it in time as I continue to learn.

For now though, I looked at it like Pi or the square root of -2. I don't see any way they can be mapped to an alpha null set. Therefore, Cantor's theory of cardinality and the fact that the set of real numbers has a higher cardinality than the set of rational numbers makes sense.

Would you consider this a logical assumption for me to make or do you think I'm grasping at straws to understand what I cannot prove yet?

Federico Kereki
2004-09-14 14:48:35
Re: Thoughts on Marble Bonanza

Hi! That wouldn't work -- in theory, you could pick any mapping you want, so you could say that PI goes with 3/5. (The square root of -2 is an imaginary number, not a real number.)

Cantor's argument can be difficult to understand at first. First, you must prove that there are as many rationals as there are natural numbers. Then, you must prove that there are as many numbers in (0,1) as in (0,∞).

Now, instead of comparing rationals to reals, we can compare naturals to reals in (0,1). Imagine there is one possible mapping between naturals and reals. Then, we could write out a table such as:

1 ---> 0.1549870298471987....
2 ---> 0.9748734292409098....
3 ---> 0.8721312672137712....
4 ---> 0.9818718912312136....
5 ---> 0.1531115123166678....

and so on. (The table is an infinite one.) Now, we'll invent a number such that its first digit is different from the first digit of the first number; its second digit will be different from the second digit of the second number; and so on.

1 ---> 0.1549870298471987....
2 ---> 0.9748734292409098....
3 ---> 0.8721312672137712....
4 ---> 0.9818718912312136....
5 ---> 0.1531115123166678....

For example, we could have produced 0.26163.... We agree that this is a real number. Is it in the table? It isn't in the first row, for its first digit is different. It isn't in the second row either, for its second digit doesn't coincide. And, in general, it isn't in the n-th row, because its n-th digit is different.

SO: the number we built isn't in the table anywhere! However, when we built our mapping, we supposed ALL reals were in the table... so that must have been false, and the mapping cannot exist. QED.


Bruce Brantley
2004-09-17 20:36:53
Re: Thoughts on Marble Bonanza

It's odd how you added a little additional information, and cleared it right up for me. Thanks.

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