Tim Axoy
2003-04-23 02:49:14 |
What happened to my problem,A liars and knights paradox,Levik?
Did you delete it? |
Tim Axoy
2003-04-23 05:20:54 |
Levik? |
2003-04-23 05:46:58 |
Re: Goner?
I didn't delete it, but it's possible somebody else did, if it got three thumbs down. Personally, I didn't vote on it, since I wasn't sure about it. |
Ravi Raja
2003-04-23 08:28:23 |
Re: Goner?
Tim, you were asked to change the wordings of the problem I believe. So if possible, do change it and post it again. I don't think it was a dupe of any other problem. So you have the option of changing the wordings , I mean framing the question properly and then again submitting it. Then I'm sure it will get 3 TUs instead of 3 TDs. |
2003-04-23 08:36:29 |
Re: Goner?
Actually, I edited the problem to look better and added line breaks - it was worded as good as it coul have to begin with.
My problem with that.. er... problem... was that it was essentially a statement calling itself false. |
Tim Axoy
2003-04-23 14:00:50 |
My problem was so good,it should not hav
e gotten three thumbs down. |
2003-04-24 03:18:03 |
Re: Goner?
Actually, it was essentially a dupe of one already on the queue (True or False--Part 1), which was already in a form good for posting and had been put onto the queue before Liars and Knights Paradox, and that one got the TUs. It was a coincidence that they reached voting almost simultaneously (liars and knights having advanced due to queue weighting). |
Tim Axoy
2003-06-06 06:15:55 |
Re: Goner?
A:B is a liar.
B:A is a knight. |