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2008-04-27 10:08:48
Graphics: Why You and Not I?

Through my time as a visitor, and achieving higher ranks in Perplexus, I've noted some interesting displays of graphics that I could not emulate.

I think in those days levik may have allowed things which are not generally available today.

I have been considering something like this article before, and this falls short of my intentions. Many previous posters will have been aware of Federico Kereki's adventures in using XHTML to present gridded graphics. I took time to learn that process.

2008-04-27 10:27:51
Re: Graphics: Why You and Not I?

If you follow the link offered above you should get some idea as to how you might have a gridded display.

Federico's process has some failings which have been addressed in forums but other scholars may not be conversant in the technique.

I'd noticed some change in colour of text which I have tried.

Let me try it here (don't hold me to this, but let's see):

<center><font color=\"red\">A<font><font color=\"green\">2<font> + <font color=\"blue\">B<font><font color=\"black\">2<font> = <font color=\"orange\">C<font><font color=\"magenta\">2<font><center>

2008-04-27 10:38:19
Re: Graphics: Why You and Not I?

Yes. As I expected.

2008-04-27 10:42:24
Re: Graphics: Why You and Not I?

This would have presented a colourful display of:

A^2 + B^2 = C^2

but differently formatted.

2008-04-27 10:57:51
Re: Graphics: Why You and Not I?

I would expect that to be displayed soon at:
Set of Triplets.

..... But don't hold your breathe, the link may not be activated, ie, the problem may never surface!

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