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This is a place to ask questions about math terminology, and to post links to other resources out on the web.
2012-10-21 04:13:22
Geometry Notation

Is anybody familiar with the following notation?

P•Q•R denotes collinear points P, Q, and R
with point Q between points P and R. Clearly, R•Q•P
denotes the same thing.

2012-10-21 04:15:19
Re: Geometry Notation

I forgot to ask for a source if you are familiar.

2012-10-21 23:50:12
Re: Geometry Notation

I've never seen it.

You could make P•Q•R be a link to a page that defines it. If you do this I would see no problem with using the notation in a problem

2012-10-22 01:25:59
Re: Geometry Notation

Jer makes a good point, particularly if you have the intention of using it repeatedly, otherwise define your notation as a Note and if you need it again then copy-paste or reference that Note of that problem.

I've done some lengthy Google Searches and not found anything.

Um. If you decide to create your own page definition may I suggest that it is within the very first comment of the thread definition.

2012-10-22 15:02:43
Re: Geometry Notation

I found it with a google search of "Hilbert's betweenness axioms". Except it uses asterisks instead of bullets.

2012-10-23 13:01:32
Re: Geometry Notation
is an example that uses it. B1. A*B*C implies A, B, C are distinct and collinear, and also C*B*A. is the wikipedia article which avoids the notation:
If a point B is between points A and C, B is also between C and A, and there exists a line containing the points A,B,C.

I'd suggest avoiding the notation and just saying "collinear points P,Q,R with Q between P and R" or just "Q is on segment PR."

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