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This is a place to ask questions about math terminology, and to post links to other resources out on the web.
2003-06-09 17:37:14
To Tim Axoy

Tim, I have deactivated your account. I think you know why. Email me if you want it back.

Tim Axoy
2003-06-10 01:59:09
Re: To Tim Axoy

I want it back.
P. S. Why did you?

2003-06-10 06:15:50
Re: To Tim Axoy

Tim - I'm not Levik, but it probably involves opening other accounts etc that he has already warned you not to do.

2003-06-10 06:50:23
Re: To Tim Axoy

And trying to "trade votes", like vote for problems and expect people to vote for your problems. Although I am reluctant to see my problem get thumbs downed, if I know why it has been decided against, it's good not to pollute the queue with it.

And I agree with Lewis, didn't he post a warning post?

2003-06-10 09:25:49
Re: To Tim Axoy

I closed it because you created an account as "J" - after I repeatedly told you NOT to open other accounts. I have better things to do with my time than look through posts on this site trying to figure out if every new user is you again.

This is the fourth account of yours I have had to close, and I have given you two warnings prior to this time.

If you want your account back, you will have to email me (not post a message here) - and then we will discuss it.

Tim Axoy
2003-06-13 02:39:24
Re: To Tim Axoy

I left an e-mail to you about how you discovered that I was J.

2003-06-13 05:31:09
Re: To Tim Axoy

I thought you were J for two reasons.

1. On the 'about' it said 'I like puzzles', and his login was 'Weirdo'.

2. All of his comments were just 'I know - A= liar, B= knight' sort of things, and had no explanations.

2003-06-13 06:03:47
Re: To Tim Axoy


As a suggestion for a potential improvement I know that this should more normally be posted in the Commons forum, but given the subject I think here's appropriate.

Why don't you change the sign up process so that a potential new Floobler only supplies their name/alias and email address. After checking that there isn't already an account for that particular email address the 'system' would then email a password to them which could then be changed when the Floobler logged in. I've seen this process used on other sites where registration is required and assume the 'system' to be some clever bit of code rather than a person.

In this way you can at least limit people to one Flooble-id per email account. I'm not naive enough to think that a person can only have one email address, but from my very limited experience it is more hassle to set up an email account than it is to sign up for Flooble - even if this isn't strictly true then having to create a new email address AND a new Flooble-id is more time consuming than just creating a new Flooble-id.

To be honest I think it's a shame that you may need to spend time making such an 'improvement', but it may be less time consuming than baby-sitting.

Keep smiling :-)

2003-06-13 10:50:14
Re: To Tim Axoy

This idea has been batted around before. I still think it's a good one. However, when I signed up, I did so with a fake e-mail address because I don't like having mine posted on the web, obfuscated for bots or not. If levik does go down this road, I'd ask for the option to keep e-mail addresses private.

2003-06-13 11:45:35
Re: To Tim Axoy

Yes... I did the same thing as fried did, so the first problem I submitted, I don't know why it got rejected...

I have two e-mail addresses, one for questionable online services (the ones that promise everything for nothing), which I await spam to enter... I usually send stuff there that could still be retrievable, but is not checked usually, and another that is checked much more, and isn't posted unless I think the site is good :)

I would agree with that "improvement" would help out, but I have met a few people (particularly my age and younger) that don't have an e-mail address yet. And usually creating a new e-mail is like trying to switch your long-distance service. It might be cheaper, but is a bigger pain so nobody wants to do it.

2003-06-14 11:32:44
Re: To Tim Axoy

The reason this was never asked for before, was exactly what you guys have been saying - I never wanted to make disclosing a real email a requirement for signing up here.

I will have to think long about this one - probably you will still be able to pick your password, but will have to click some sort of a validation link that gets emailed to you before it will work.

Tim Axoy
2003-06-17 02:31:25

I am not angsta.
One of you thought I was on the chatterbox.

2003-06-17 05:03:31
Re: To Tim Axoy

Tim - I'm still waiting for you to reply to my email. Your account will not be returned until we talk it out. (And I would [b]REALLY[/b] not recomment you make any new ones.)

2003-06-19 09:54:35
Re: To Tim Axoy - Just a question

What's happened to all of Tim's pending problems?

2003-06-19 12:17:19
Re: To Tim Axoy

They are still there, being voted on as if he was here.

Tim Axoy
2003-06-23 12:35:28
Re: To Tim Axoy

I want my account back.

2003-06-23 13:11:26
Re: To Tim Axoy

Tim don't you understand what levik is saying? This is not to be discussed here. But in facty over e-mail

2003-07-24 04:12:42
Re: To Tim Axoy

So levik, is Tim getting his account back? If he wants it I think he now knows not to do it again (hey, do it again, thats my problem!).

2003-07-25 14:55:03
Re: To Tim Axoy

Does Tim know how to work e-mail? I think so, but just making sure :)

2003-07-26 02:48:53
Re: To Tim Axoy

I have emailed back and forth with Tim and his father, and let them know that Tim can have his account back if he writes me a substantil (as in more than one or two lines) email explaining why he keptmaking accounts when asked not to, and promising not to do it again.

This happened the week after Tim's suspention, and I am yet to see anything back.

But the offer still stands.

Ravi Raja
2003-07-30 05:18:13
Re: To Tim Axoy

Yes Gamer, Tim does know how to send e-mails. Just check the 6th comment from the beginning (or Tim's second comment from the beginning). And anyway, a boy who says that he likes math and logic, you can never expect that he doesn't know how to send e-mails.

2003-08-02 05:05:37
Re: To Tim Axoy

I know why Tim kept making accounts. All of his different alias all have only posted comments on his puzzles. Also all of them have an average vote of 5, so he made them to comment on and vote 5 for his own puzzles (as Ravi said in the comments for Drew and Mohammad Come Back)

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