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This is a place to ask questions about math terminology, and to post links to other resources out on the web.
2003-12-02 23:33:06

There are often times when I want to use a mathematical symbol from the HTML character codes that isn't included in the system font, at least on any machine I have viewed this page on. I'm just testing the hexadecimal (☺, etc) codes to see which ones show up..

Γ  Δ  Θ  Λ  Ν  Ξ  Π  Σ  Φ  Ψ  Ω  β  γ  δ  ε  ζ  η  θ  ι  κ  λ  μ  ν  ξ  ο  π  ρ  ς  σ  τ  υ  φ  χ  ψ  ω  †  ‡  •  …  ‰  ‹  ›  ‼  ₣  ₤  ₧  ₪  ₫  €  ℅  ℓ  №  ™  Ω  ℮  ⅓  ⅔  ⅛  ⅜  ⅝  ⅞  ←  ↑  →  ↓  ↔  ↕  ↨  ∂  ∆  ∏  ∑  −  ∕  ∙  √  ∞  ∟  ∩  ∫  ≈  ≠  ≡  ≤  ≥  ∂  ∂  ∂  ∂  ∂  ⌂  ⌐  ⌠  ⌡  ─  │  ┌  ┐  └  ┘  ├  ┤  ┬  ┴  ┼  ═  ║  ╒  ╓  ╔  ╕  ╖  ╗  ╘  ╙  ╚  ╛  ╜  ╝  ╞  ╟  ╠  ╡  ╢  ╣  ╤  ╥  ╦  ╧  ╨  ╩  ╪  ╫  ╬  ▀  ▄  █  ▌  ▐  ░  ▒  ▓  ■  □  ▪  ▫  ▬  ▲  ►  ▼  ◄  ◊  ○  ●  ◘  ◙  ◦  ☺  ☻  ☼  ♠  ♣  ♥  ♦  ♪  ♫  

2003-12-02 23:34:24
Re: Testing

Wow, better than I thought. Now, if I try the other system fixed-width font (by surrounding the same code with <tt> and </tt> tags), I think it will be even better:

Γ  Δ  Θ  Λ  Ν  Ξ  Π  Σ  Φ  Ψ  Ω  β  γ  δ  ε  ζ  η  θ  ι  κ  λ  μ  ν  ξ  ο  π  ρ  ς  σ  τ  υ  φ  χ  ψ  ω  †  ‡  •  …  ‰  ‹  ›  ‼  ₣  ₤  ₧  ₪  ₫  €  ℅  ℓ  №  ™  Ω  ℮  ⅓  ⅔  ⅛  ⅜  ⅝  ⅞  ←  ↑  →  ↓  ↔  ↕  ↨  ∂  ∆  ∏  ∑  −  ∕  ∙  √  ∞  ∟  ∩  ∫  ≈  ≠  ≡  ≤  ≥  ∂  ∂  ∂  ∂  ∂  ⌂  ⌐  ⌠  ⌡  ─  │  ┌  ┐  └  ┘  ├  ┤  ┬  ┴  ┼  ═  ║  ╒  ╓  ╔  ╕  ╖  ╗  ╘  ╙  ╚  ╛  ╜  ╝  ╞  ╟  ╠  ╡  ╢  ╣  ╤  ╥  ╦  ╧  ╨  ╩  ╪  ╫  ╬  ▀  ▄  █  ▌  ▐  ░  ▒  ▓  ■  □  ▪  ▫  ▬  ▲  ►  ▼  ◄  ◊  ○  ●  ◘  ◙  ◦  ☺  ☻  ☼  ♠  ♣  ♥  ♦  ♪  ♫  

2003-12-02 23:42:30
Re: Testing

Okay, here's the whole list, if this works:

&#x0393; Γ
&#x0394; Δ
&#x0398; Θ
&#x039B; Λ
&#x039D; Ν
&#x039E; Ξ
&#x03A0; Π
&#x03A3; Σ
&#x03A6; Φ
&#x03A8; Ψ
&#x03A9; Ω
&#x03B2; β
&#x03B3; γ
&#x03B4; δ
&#x03B5; ε
&#x03B6; ζ
&#x03B7; η
&#x03B8; θ
&#x03B9; ι
&#x03BA; κ
&#x03BB; λ
&#x03BC; μ
&#x03BD; ν
&#x03BE; ξ
&#x03BF; ο
&#x03C0; π
&#x03C1; ρ
&#x03C2; ς
&#x03C3; σ
&#x03C4; τ
&#x03C5; υ
&#x03C6; φ
&#x03C7; χ
&#x03C8; ψ
&#x03C9; ω
&#x2020; †
&#x2021; ‡
&#x2022; •
&#x2026; …
&#x2030; ‰
&#x2039; ‹
&#x203A; ›
&#x203C; ‼
&#x20A3; ₣
&#x20A4; ₤
&#x20A7; ₧
&#x20AA; ₪
&#x20AB; ₫
&#x20AC; €
&#x2105; ℅
&#x2113; ℓ
&#x2116; №
&#x2122; ™
&#x2126; Ω
&#x212E; ℮
&#x2153; ⅓
&#x2154; ⅔
&#x215B; ⅛
&#x215C; ⅜
&#x215D; ⅝
&#x215E; ⅞
&#x2190; ←
&#x2191; ↑
&#x2192; →
&#x2193; ↓
&#x2194; ↔
&#x2195; ↕
&#x21A8; ↨
&#x2202; ∂
&#x2206; ∆
&#x220F; ∏
&#x2211; ∑
&#x2212; −
&#x2215; ∕
&#x2219; ∙
&#x221A; √
&#x221E; ∞
&#x221F; ∟
&#x2229; ∩
&#x222B; ∫
&#x2248; ≈
&#x2260; ≠
&#x2261; ≡
&#x2264; ≤
&#x2265; ≥
&#x2302; ⌂
&#x2310; ⌐
&#x2320; ⌠
&#x2321; ⌡
&#x2500; ─
&#x2502; │
&#x250C; ┌
&#x2510; ┐
&#x2514; └
&#x2518; ┘
&#x251C; ├
&#x2524; ┤
&#x252C; ┬
&#x2534; ┴
&#x253C; ┼
&#x2550; ═
&#x2551; ║
&#x2552; ╒
&#x2553; ╓
&#x2554; ╔
&#x2555; ╕
&#x2556; ╖
&#x2557; ╗
&#x2558; ╘
&#x2559; ╙
&#x255A; ╚
&#x255B; ╛
&#x255C; ╜
&#x255D; ╝
&#x255E; ╞
&#x255F; ╟
&#x2560; ╠
&#x2561; ╡
&#x2562; ╢
&#x2563; ╣
&#x2564; ╤
&#x2565; ╥
&#x2566; ╦
&#x2567; ╧
&#x2568; ╨
&#x2569; ╩
&#x256A; ╪
&#x256B; ╫
&#x256C; ╬
&#x2580; ▀
&#x2584; ▄
&#x2588; █
&#x258C; ▌
&#x2590; ▐
&#x2591; ░
&#x2592; ▒
&#x2593; ▓
&#x25A0; ■
&#x25A1; □
&#x25AA; ▪
&#x25AB; ▫
&#x25AC; ▬
&#x25B2; ▲
&#x25BA; ►
&#x25BC; ▼
&#x25C4; ◄
&#x25CA; ◊
&#x25CB; ○
&#x25CF; ●
&#x25D8; ◘
&#x25D9; ◙
&#x25E6; ◦
&#x263A; ☺
&#x263B; ☻
&#x263C; ☼
&#x2660; ♠
&#x2663; ♣
&#x2665; ♥
&#x2666; ♦
&#x266A; ♪
&#x266B; ♫

Aspiring Novice
2003-12-05 20:12:59
Re: Testing

Aspiring Novice
2003-12-05 20:13:09
Re: Testing

2004-01-12 12:34:03
Re: Testing

it won't work unless you add the semicolon .. &#x266B; (♫) as opposed to just ♫

2004-01-12 12:36:40
Re: Testing

Also, some of the characters will only show up between the <tt> and </tt> tags:

&#x266B; = ♫

<tt>&#x266B;</tt> =

Brian Smith
2004-01-20 12:30:18
Re: Testing

<em>em tags<em>
i tags

2005-02-26 22:59:01
Re: Testing

Let's see if this works...

  ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐

→       ─ ─ ─ ┐   │

  ├ ─ ─ ┐   │   │

  │   ┌ ┘   │   │

  │   └ ─ ─ ┘     →

  └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘

2005-02-26 22:59:35
Re: Testing

Hmm, not quite.

2005-02-26 23:34:55
Re: Testing

Let's try this:

→  ───┐ │
 ├──┐ │ │
 │ └──┘  →

2005-02-26 23:40:05
Re: Testing

oops, I forgot a line...

→  ───┐ │
 ├──┐ │ │
 │ ┌┘ │ │
 │ └──┘  →

2005-03-03 17:27:18
Re: Testing

I solved that maze, alone, without help!! :-) I'd call it D2, tops...

2006-11-04 00:40:29
Re: Testing

I've tried this to create a trial Logidoku grid on Perplexus and has proved successful. The success of the drawing however, for the member it was designed for is whether it is accepted by the JMs. A better outcome would be it being replaced with a picture by a very busy levik.

The easiest way to use these is probably to make an Ascii picture in a text editor or Word processor.

My picture might be "<-->" but I want "↔". I would then select the characters <-->, copy them paste them into the "Find" of the program's Find-Replace function and enter the hexcode for the character I want - this is the code, but you leave out the space after the '&' and you MUST have the semicolon - code is '& #x2194; - have fun

2006-11-04 00:42:18
Re: Testing

Ooops! Omitted that the hexcode is placed in the Replace part of the function, but you'd hve figured that would you not? :-)

2006-11-07 20:19:34
Re: Testing

There appears to be an incompatability in the use of a mixture of these codes, a space, including the code '& nbsp;' and the pre tags. For some reason pre has no effect on spaces in formatting!

Whether that is just here at Perplexus I am uncertain. Oddly, under different browsers and on two different machines they seem perfect. Placed on a server other than Perplexus the HTML appears to work. Odd.

2006-11-07 20:30:20
Re: Testing

Maybe this explains some of the problems others might see when you are convinced that you are right:

2006-11-07 21:20:41
Re: Testing

I have added & #x0020 to make spaces rather than & nbsp.

spaces are unicode 0020

║ ║ ║ ║ 94
║ ║ ║ ║ 81
║ ║ ║ ║110
194 41 50107
2006-11-07 21:23:11
Re: Testing

That was interesting; all lines in the array ended with the 0020 code. Trying without it.

spaces are unicode 0020

║ ║ ║ ║ 94
║ ║ ║ ║ 81
║ ║ ║ ║110
194 41 50107
2006-11-07 21:25:28
Re: Testing

Bold tags have been removed.

2006-11-07 21:25:52
Re: Testing

spaces are unicode 0020

║ 59
║ ║ ║ ║ 94
║ ║ ║ ║ 81
║ ║ ║ ║110
║194║ 41║ 50║107
2006-11-08 01:40:33
Re: Testing

I am using Firefox and they line up, it's just they look double spaced (where they weren't in IE) -- enough of a hindrance to look strange.

I never saw a post that said others didn't see the same thing I did. It just seemed you wanted the version that didn't look right to me, and I assumed (knowing you were not crazy) that it looked fine to you.

It is strange that the pipes were bigger, especially in fixed width pre mode. Not having fonts set up right is a probable cause.

2006-11-08 01:51:46
Re: Testing

Looking 'upstream' I see DJ used 'tt' tags. Never used them. Wonder how they work on this?

2006-11-08 01:53:03
Re: Testing

                | 59
    |   |   |   | 94
    |   |   |   | 81
    |   |   |   |110
    |194| 41| 50|107

2006-11-08 01:56:01
Re: Testing

$#@!)(84 !!!

What does Perplexus make of that! I used the wrong file, canged pre to tt, but that's no guarantees.

Try again:

spaces are unicode 0020

║ 59
║ ║ ║ ║ 94
║ ║ ║ ║ 81
║ ║ ║ ║110
║194║ 41║ 50║107

2006-11-08 01:57:41
Re: Testing

OK! Wear that!
Have nested tt tags inside pre.

spaces are unicode 0020

║ 59
║ ║ ║ ║ 94
║ ║ ║ ║ 81
║ ║ ║ ║110
║194║ 41║ 50║107

2006-11-08 01:58:42
Re: Testing

OK? Why does DJ get his closed maze?

2006-11-08 02:06:33
Re: Testing

Seems to be "-" as horizontals, or unicode equivalent, and no more that one space exists between verticals!

Is there a way to override this? Without having machines configured to Unicode settings, and hve access to those fonts (seemingly installed on board), such tidier pics are probably beyond us here.

2006-11-14 06:13:55
Re: Testing

I read the comment from Gamer,above,2006-11-08 01:40:33, above. I didn't understand what he meant. I thought he was referring to a problem format which I attempted to use, but no!

In IE the grids drawn in double (pipes) lines are perfect, but for some reason under Firefox (and Mozilla, don't have Netscape) I have blank lines alternating throughout the graphic.

HTML, browser compatability, Perplexus server? ?

2006-11-14 06:21:11
Re: Testing

No, maybe he was referring to both.

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