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2006-12-15 20:35:46
Flash Player

There is an extremely annoying ad with a fly buzzing, and you're supposed to "zap" it. The buzzing sound is louder than my media player. Is there any way I can turn off the sound of Macromedia Flash Player in Mozilla Firefox? I could do it when I had IE, but I'm definitely not going back to IE.

I could turn off JavaScript completely, but then I can't click the "Who is online" button here, or see the Chatterbox, etc. I just would like to turn the sound off.

Thanks for your help!

2006-12-15 21:15:31
Re: Flash Player

Does some nice things, takes a little bit to get its concept. Unsure if it will work your case, but you basically tell it which url you want to add to your list of unwanted!

I have been the 100,000,000 visitor for some time!

2006-12-15 21:25:02
Re: Flash Player

Thanks! I'll try it next time I get it.

2006-12-15 21:56:26
Re: Flash Player

:-( I hope you interpreted my lastence to mean: "I have NOT been the 100,000,000 visitor for some time"!

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