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2003-06-22 17:19:12
The Gong Problem

Hey everyone, i am new, and last semester my teacher gave us a problem that seemed simple enough, but no one could find the answer. Ironically enough, she was fired by third quarter because of funding cuts, and we never found the answer. I am dying to know the answer and the problem goes as follows: "It takes seven seconds for a clock to strike seven gongs, how long will it take it to strike ten gongs (hint: the answer is not ten seconds." If anyone knows the answer, it would be greately appricated, along with a detailed explanation of how such a conclusion was reached. Thanks a bunch.

2003-06-22 18:17:08
Re: The Gong Problem

Actually, we aren't actually allowed to post problems here... but if I could say what the answer was, I would say that time isn't measured after the last gong... So 7/(7-1) is the time in seconds for it to strike 7 gongs. (The time measured is between each gong, and there are 6 "betweens" for the gongs)... So now all you need to find is 10 * (7/6), which is 11 2/3.

2003-06-23 07:50:17
Re: The Gong Problem

There's actually already a problem on this site very similar to that one.

2003-07-02 14:56:07
Re: The Gong Problem

My take on this problem would be that these seven gongs that the clock strikes are when it strikes 7:00, so you would have to wait an hour until it started striking 8:00 before the next three gongs would be struck. Thus, it would take from 7:00:00 to 8:00:03, or 60 minutes and 3 seconds, which would be 3603 seconds.

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