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About user levels on flooble :: perplexus
flooble :: perplexus is beginning to grow in the amount of users that it has, and a new user level system was added to accomodate the different users' experience level with the site. This concept is currently very new, and is going to be changing a lot at first, but hopefully this page will serve to explain the significance of each user level. Some users may be manually promoted to a particular level before they meet "automatic promotion" requirements.

There are currently the following user levels on the site:

  • Novice
  • Student
  • Apprentice
  • Journeyman
  • Scholar
  • Director

    Novice level is automatically assigned to a user when they sign up. Student through Journeyman levels are given automatically by the system's promotion procedure depending on the user's number of ratings/comments/problems. The promotion procedure generally runs nightly, so if you think you qualify for a patricular level, but are not there yet, you might just have to wait till next day.

    This is the basic level, assigned at signup - everybody starts at this rank. Novices can rate problems, post comments, chat in the chatterbox and participate in most forums.

    A Novice is promoted to Student if they have rated at least one problem (though rating more is strongly encouraged) and posted at least three comments. As a Student, a user can submit problems, modify the text and difficulty (but not category) submitted problems until they become approved on the site, and can modify the solution to their problems, until the solution is made public.

    A Student is promoted to Apprentice if they have posted at least 11 comments, and had at least three problems that were approved for display on the site. Apprentices can edit the category assignment of their problems in addition to the text and difficulty settings. They can also publically release the solution to their problems, in addition to merely editing them. Once a solution is released it can no longer be modified, so please use this with caution.

    Apprentices are promoted to Journeymen after they have had at least 6 problems accepted for public viewing on the site. Journeyman users have access to unapproved problem submissions (the "queue"), which they can vote for by giving them "Thumbs Up" (+1) or "Thumbs Down" (-1). However, a user cannot vote on problems they submitted.

    A user cannot reach the Scholar level automatically. The only way to reach this level is to be manually promoted to it based on an overview of the user's contributions to the site. Scholars are able to edit their problems that are "live" on the site (in addition to pending problems). Scholars can push "live" pending problems of others that have reached a score of 3 through voting. They can also delete problems that received a score of -3.

    The Director is the administrator of the site, given access to backend administration tools. Currently, the only Director on the website is Levik, and it will probably stay this way for a while.

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