Caesar Cypher & The Substitutions have been on tour, and as tradition dictates, the souvenir tour T-shirt bears a list of the cities visited on the back. But of course, since we're talking about one of Europe's leading cryptographic jazz combos, the list is in code:
The list contains no information apart from the city names. Can you work out their itinerary?
The numbers appear in this frequency:
1 - 11, 2 - 2, 3 - 7, 4 - 15, 5 - 4,
6 - 12, 7 - 6, 8 - 6, 9 - 0, 0 - 9
The following 3 digit combinatinos appear only once:
080, 735, 440, 235, 540, 488, 428, 401, 431, 546, 083, 478, 731, 607
The follwing 3-digit combinations appear exactly twice:
410, 631, 616, 461, 476
If we use a straight alphabet and assign the letter A=1, b=2, etc. then multiply the values of the letters in a given city name, then Paris = 49248, Berlin = 272160, and London = 2116800. If we use a reverse alphabet where A=26, B=25, etc and multiply the letter values in some city names, then Paris = 370656, Berlin = 17374500 and London = 8395920.
Maybe I need to try out some different city names, or maybe I need a new alphabet?
I'm thinking a D3 shouldn't end up being quite this involved...
Posted by Erik O.
on 2004-11-05 10:50:11 |