The 3 letters of the word
hat plus one additional letter can create
many new valid English words e.g.
heat, Utah etc.
a. How many?
b. Same question for "hat+2": like yacht, Tahoe etc.
Rem: The additional letter(s) may be (not need to be) one(or two) of the h,a,t letters, in case b. nothing precludes adding twice the same letter.
baht bath chat eath ghat haet haft halt hant hart hast hate hath hats haut heat khat lath math oath path phat rath shat tach tahr thae than that thaw what Gath Kath Thai Thea Utah
count 36
airth aitch altho arhat aught azoth bahts baith batch bathe baths catch chant chapt chart chats cheat death earth faith garth ghast ghats ghaut habit hadst haets hafts halts hants harts haste hasty hatch hated hater hates haunt haute heart heath heats hosta khats laith latch lathe lathi laths lathy loath lotah match maths natch neath oaths patch paths ratch rathe rhyta saith shaft shalt shoat snath staph stash swath tache tachs tahrs teach thack thane thank tharm thaws theca theta thraw thuja thuya torah trash unhat watch whats wheat wrath yacht Athos Cathy Chita Haiti Hatty Kathy Lahti Pathe Plath Tahoe Thais Thera Thuya Torah Typha
count 143
For l = 4 To 5
Open "\words\words.txt" For Input As #1
Line Input #1, w$
If Len(w$) = l Then
w2$ = LCase$(w$)
If InStr(w2$, "h") > 0 And InStr(w2$, "a") > 0 And InStr(w2$, "t") > 0 Then
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & w$ & " "
ct = ct + 1
End If
End If
Loop Until EOF(1)
Close 1
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & crlf & ct & crlf
Posted by Charlie
on 2015-01-27 15:41:41 |