In a 4-word proverb each letter was consistently replaced by a prime number
of 1 or 2 digits.
Spaces betweEn the words were left intact, spaces between digits were erased.
Decode the proverb represented by
3235 71319311 313193714119331 5132931
and comment on its meaning and origin.
BTW: Analytical solution is more challenging and recommended.
(In reply to
a computer beginning by Charlie)
Saw no error in your reasoning and output.
5 minute debugging resulted in finding my error : The beginning of the 3rd word has a single "1" missing ----the correct start is 3113193 ...and there are no other bugs.
To sum up I do not want to spoil your effort and will not provide tips toward the solution - Errare humanum est, so I as a human being I am liable to err now and then!
Now - resolve and enjoy!