The number 777,777 is precisely divisible by 1001 giving the quotient 777.
Hence, the number 777…700000 (996 sevens and 5 zeroes) yields upon division by 1001, a quotient of:
777000777000…77700000( the grouping 777,000 repeated 166 times).
Moreover, the number 77,777 yields a quotient of 77 and a remainder of 700 uopn division by 1001.
Consequently, the quotient obtained by dividing N with 1001 is equal to:
77700077700077 . . . 77700077 (containing 998 digits with the grouping 777,000 repeated 166 times), and; there is the remainder of 700.
Also, refer to the solution provided by Leming in this location.