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Sum ArcTan Limit (Posted on 2016-05-11) |
F(k) denotes the kth Fibonacci Number.
G(n) = Σ k=1 to n ArcTan((F(2k+1) -1)
Limit G(n)
n → ∞
Analytic Solution
Comment 6 of 6 |
has broken at several levels.
Using the Fibonacci version with F(1) = F(2) = 1:
(F(2k + 1))2 = 1 +
F(2k)F(2k+2) (Catalan et al)
So (F(2k + 1))-1 = F(2k +
1)/(F(2k + 1))2
= [F(2k + 2) – F(2k)]/[
1 + F(2k)F(2k+2)]
Now using [tan A - tan B]/[1 + tan A
tan B] = tan(A - B):
arctan((F(2k + 1))-1) = arctan
F(2k + 2) – arctan F(2k)
Summing from k=1 to k=n (and noting the cancellation of
successive terms on the RHS, with only two remnants):
G(n) =
arctan F(2n + 2) - arctan F(2)
= arctan F(2n + 2)
– pi/4
In the limit as n -> infinity, F(2n + 2) -> infinity, and this
G(n) -> pi/2
- pi/4 = pi/4
Posted by Harry
on 2016-05-19 11:26:19 |
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