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Figure Eights (Posted on 2005-02-15) |
Suppose that I drew an infinite number of disjoint closed curves in the plane (such as circles, squares, etc.). Suppose that I then tell you that there is one curve for each positive real number.
You would not have too much trouble believing my assertions at this point. For example, I could have drawn all circles with center at the origin. They are all disjoint, and for each positive real number x, there is a corresponding circle - namely, the circle of radius x.
But suppose that I also tell you that all the curves I drew were figure eights. Can you believe my assertions now?
(A figure eight is a curve in the plane obtained from the basic "8" shape by any combination of translation, rotation, expansion, or shrinking.)
What am I missing?
Comment 34 of 34 |
Am I missing something here?
The ‘official’ solution refers to a set, C, of disjoint figure ‘8’s drawn in the plane. It then uses the fact that they are disjoint to prove that C is a countable set.
However, the original problem was to do this for a set, C, which contained a figure ‘8’ for every positive real number. The ‘proof’ seems to take as a starting point the assumption that it is possible for this uncountable number of ‘8’s to exist on the plane in a disjoint arrangement. Unlike the concentric circles, there seems to be no evidence for this assumption, and without it the given ‘proof’ cannot begin.
Posted by Harry
on 2010-07-24 20:52:05 |
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