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Perfect Square To Divisibility By 56 (Posted on 2010-04-01) |
N is a positive integer such that each of 3*N + 1 and 4*N + 1 is a perfect square.
Is N always divisible by 56?
If so, prove it. Otherwise, give a counterexample.
Solution (Spoiler)
| Comment 11 of 15 |
Let 3N + 1 = a2 and 4N + 1 = b2 (1)
If N = 8n + k where n and k are integers with k = 0..7, then
24n + 3k + 1 = a2 and 32n + 4k + 1 = b2
Working modulo 8 ( in which squares can only have the value 0, 1, or 4) 3k + 1 = 0, 1 or 4 giving k = 0 or 1 (mod 8) 4k + 1 = 0, 1 or 4 giving k = 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 (mod 8)
k = 0 is the only common solution, giving N = 8n, so 8 is a factor of N
Equations (1) also give 4a2 - 3b2 = 1 which can be written in the form of Pell’s Equation as: (2a)2 - 3b2 = 1
All possible values of 2a and b are therefore given by the numerators and denominators of appropriate convergents of sqrt(3) when written as a continued fraction. Convergents of sqrt(3) that satisfy X2 - 3b2 = 1 are as follows: X/b : 2/1, 7/4, 26/15, 97/56, 362/209, 1351/780, 5042/2911, ....
Only alternate convergents provide the even numerator required to fit X = 2a, so we are left with the following possibilities:
a 1, 13, 181, 2521, 35113, 489061, ...... b 1, 15, 209, 2911, 40545, 564719, ...... b - a 0, 2, 28, 390, 5432, 75658, ...... b + a 2, 28, 390, 5432, 75658, 1053780, ......
From (1): N = b2 - a2 = (b - a)(b + a), so the last two lines above give the sequence of N values as: 0*2, 2*28, 28*390, 390*5432, 5432*75658, 75658*1053780, i.e. N = 0, 56, 10920, 2118480, 410974256, 79726887240, ...
Note that successive pairs share a common factor which is always divisible by 7 (i.e. 28, 5432, 1053780 ....) which means that 7 is a factor of all values of N. Both results together show that N is always divisible by 56. ________________________________________________________________ For more rigour....
The first four sequences shown above satisfy the same Pell recurrence relation:
viz. u[r] = 14u[r - 1] - u[r - 2]
Thus N[r] = b[r]2 - a[r]2 = (14b[r-1] - b[r-2])2 - (14a[r-1] - a[r-2])2 = 196(b[r-1]2 - a[r-1]2) - 28(b[r-1]b[r-2] - a[r-1]a[r-2]) + (b[r-2]2 - a[r-2]2)
N[r] = 196N[r-1] - 28(b[r-1]b[r-2] - a[r-1]a[r-2]) + N[r-2]
Thus, if N[r-2] is divisible by 7 then N[r] will also be divisible by 7. Since 56 and 10920 are divisible by 7, by induction, all subsequent values of N will also be.
Posted by Harry
on 2010-04-04 00:18:59 |
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