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Sum Square Roots ≤ Real Number (Posted on 2010-04-10) |
Determine all possible value(s) of a positive integer constant c that satisfy this relationship:
√(y-1) + √(y-2) + .....+ √(y-c) ≤ y
whenever y is a positive real number ≥ c
Comment 4 of 4 |
The line z = my touches the parabola z = sqrt(y - k) when the equation
m2y2 = y - k has equal roots. i.e. when 4m2k = 1 giving m = 1/sqrt(4k).
Thus: sqrt(y - k) <= y/sqrt(4k) for all values of y >= k. (1)
Using k = 1 in (1) gives sqrt(y - 1) <= y/2 < y so the given relationship is true for c = 1.
Using k = 1 and k = 2 in (1) and adding the results gives: sqrt(y - 1) + sqrt(y - 2) <= y/2 + y/sqrt(8) =< y so the given relationship is true for c = 2.
When y = c + 1, the required relationship becomes
sqrt(1) + sqrt(2) + ..... + sqrt(c) <= c + 1
When c = 3 this becomes 1 + sqrt(2) + sqrt(3) <= 4 which is not true.
When c increases beyond 3, the amount, sqrt(c), added to the LHS is greater than the 1 added to the RHS, so the relationship is not true for c >= 3.
Posted by Harry
on 2010-04-11 10:07:18 |
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