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Floors and decimals integral II (Posted on 2011-07-21) |
Each of m and n is a positive integer with m < n. Evaluate this double definite integral in
terms of m and n.
∫ ∫ [x+y]*{x+y}*(x+y) dx dy for x = 1 to m and, y = 1 to n
*** [x] denotes the smallest integer ≤ x, and {x} is the decimal part of x, ie {x}=x-[x].
Comment 3 of 3 |
Consider the unit square, A, with opposite vertices at (a, b) and (a+1, b+1). Now consider the elemental strip within A, made up of all points (x, y), for which
a + b + s < x + y < a + b + s + ds
For 0 <= s <= 1 (i.e. in the triangular region, A1, below the diagonal)
Integrand = [x + y]{x + y}(x + y) = (a + b)s(a + b + s) = cs(c + s) where c = a + b
Area of elemental strip = s ds
So the integral over A1 = Int(s=0 to 1) of cs(c + s) s ds
= c(cs3/3 + s4/4) between 0 and 1
= c(4c + 3)/12 (1)
For 1 <= s <= 2 (i.e. in the triangular region, A2, above the diagonal)
Integrand = [x + y]{x + y}(x + y) = (a + b + 1)(s - 1)(a + b + s)
= (c + 1)(s - 1)(c + s)
Area of elemental strip = (2 - s) ds
Integral over A2 = Int(s=1 to 2) of (c + 1)(s - 1)(c + s)(2 - s) ds
= (c + 1) Int(c(3s - s2 - 2) + 3s2 - s3 - 2s) ds
= (c + 1)(c(3s2/2 -s3/3 -2s) +s3 - s4/4 -s2) between 1 and 2
= (c + 1)(2c + 3)/12 (2)
Adding (1) and (2) gives:
Integral over A = (6c2 + 8c + 3)/12
= (6a2 + 6b2 + 12ab + 8a + 8b + 3)/12 (3)
To find the required integral, over the region x = 1 to m, y = 1 to n, we must carry out a double summation of (3) over all included squares. Thus:
Sum(a = 1 to m-1, b = 1 to n-1) of (6a2 + 6b2 + 12ab + 8a + 8b + 3)/12
Standard formulae for sums of integers and their squares can be used and, after much algebra, the following result is obtained.
Integral = (m - 1)(n - 1)(2m2 + 2n2 + 3mn +3m + 3n + 3)/12
So, for example, m = n = 2 gives: Integral = 43/12
The formula is symmetrical in m and n, as would be expected, so the given condition that m < n is not needed.
Posted by Harry
on 2011-07-25 23:35:03 |
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