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Harmonic mean and constant determination puzzle (Posted on 2015-06-13) |
In a triangle ABC , ∠BAC = 90o.
Point D lies on the side BC, and satisfies ∠BDA = k*∠BAD, where k is a real constant.
Find the value of k, given that length of AD is the harmonic mean between the respective lengths of BD and CD.
A different approach
Comment 2 of 2 |
harmonic property leads to: |BD||CD| = |AD||BC|/2
Using the intersecting chord theorem, it follows that the circle
with diameter BC and centre O, passes through A (because
of the right angle) and a point E where ADE is a straight line
with |DE| = |BC|/2, which is the radius of the circle.
/BDA = /EDO (vert opp)
= /EOD (angles of isosceles
triangle EDO)
= 2 /BAD (angles at
centre and circumf)
So k = 2
Posted by Harry
on 2015-06-16 10:16:51 |
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