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Puzzle Strips 2 (Posted on 2003-12-22) Difficulty: 3 of 5
The numbers and symbols below are placed onto six vertical strips of paper:
        8    -    2    9    ×    1
        +    1    =    5    1    5
        =    9    0    2    ÷    6
        1    =    5    6    =    1
Rotate and rearrange the strips so that four valid equations appear across the rows.

Note: Consider the numbers as they appear on a digital watch; 0, 1, 2, 5 and 8 are the same when rotated 180°, while 6 and 9 rotate to each other.

See The Solution Submitted by DJ    
Rating: 4.2857 (7 votes)

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re: One Solution -- verification of uniqueness | Comment 2 of 4 |
(In reply to One Solution by stan)

As stan noted, the two strips containing only numbers must come at one end or the other of the set of strips. Also, the strip with -19= must be flipped relative to the others to have the one equal sign and one operator in each row. Also, either or both of the numeric strips may be flipped independently. Additionally, the whole set may be flipped.

To find all the solutions (verify the uniqueness of the one stan found), the following program is run:

DECLARE SUB permute (a$)
DATA 8+=1,=61-,2=05,9526,*1/=,1561
DATA 1=+8,-19=,50=2,9526,=/1*,1561


FOR i = 1 TO 6
  READ s$(i)

GOSUB evalPerms
s$(4) = "9256" 'reverse strip 4
GOSUB evalPerms
s$(6) = "1951" 'reverse strip 6
GOSUB evalPerms
s$(4) = "9526" 'reverse strip 4 back to original
GOSUB evalPerms

RESTORE allFlipped
FOR i = 1 TO 6
  READ s$(i)

GOSUB evalPerms
s$(4) = "9256" 'reverse strip 4
GOSUB evalPerms
s$(6) = "1951" 'reverse strip 6
GOSUB evalPerms
s$(4) = "9526" 'reverse strip 4 back to original
GOSUB evalPerms


  order$ = "1235"
  FOR ord = 1 TO 24
   o2$ = "46"
   FOR o1 = 1 TO 2
    order1$ = LEFT$(o2$, 1) + order$ + RIGHT$(o2$, 1)
    FOR row = 1 TO 4
      eq$ = ""
      good = 1: pCol = 0
      FOR col = 1 TO 6
        newCh$ = MID$(s$(VAL(MID$(order1$, col, 1))), row, 1)
        IF pCol = 1 AND INSTR("+-*/=", newCh$) > 0 THEN good = 0: EXIT FOR
        IF INSTR("+-*/=", newCh$) > 0 THEN pCol = 1: ELSE pCol = 0
        eq$ = eq$ + newCh$
      NEXT col
      eq$(row) = eq$
      IF good = 0 THEN EXIT FOR
      num1$ = "": p = 1
       num1$ = num1$ + MID$(eq$, p, 1)
       p = p + 1
      LOOP UNTIL INSTR("+-*/=", MID$(eq$, p, 1))
      op1$ = MID$(eq$, p, 1): p = p + 1: num2$ = ""
       num2$ = num2$ + MID$(eq$, p, 1)
       p = p + 1
      LOOP UNTIL INSTR("+-*/=", MID$(eq$, p, 1))
      op2$ = MID$(eq$, p, 1): p = p + 1
      num3$ = MID$(eq$, p)
      IF op1$ = "=" THEN 'standardize so num1 rel num2 = num3
        h$ = num1$
        num1$ = num2$: num2$ = num3$: num3$ = h$
        op1$ = op2$
      END IF
      SELECT CASE op1$
        CASE "+"
         IF VAL(num1$) + VAL(num2$) <> VAL(num3$) THEN good = 0: EXIT FOR
        CASE "-"
         IF VAL(num1$) - VAL(num2$) <> VAL(num3$) THEN good = 0: EXIT FOR
        CASE "*"
         IF VAL(num1$) * VAL(num2$) <> VAL(num3$) THEN good = 0: EXIT FOR
        CASE "/"
         IF VAL(num1$) / VAL(num2$) <> VAL(num3$) THEN good = 0: EXIT FOR
    NEXT row
    IF good THEN
      FOR row = 1 TO 4
        PRINT eq$(row)
    END IF
    o2$ = RIGHT$(o2$, 1) + LEFT$(o2$, 1)
   NEXT o1
   permute order$
  NEXT ord

SUB permute (a$)
 x$ = ""
 FOR i = LEN(a$) TO 1 STEP -1
  l$ = x$
  x$ = MID$(a$, i, 1)
  IF x$ < l$ THEN EXIT FOR

 IF i = 0 THEN
  FOR j = 1 TO LEN(a$) \ 2
   x$ = MID$(a$, j, 1)
   MID$(a$, j, 1) = MID$(a$, LEN(a$) - j + 1, 1)
   MID$(a$, LEN(a$) - j + 1, 1) = x$
  FOR j = LEN(a$) TO i + 1 STEP -1
   IF MID$(a$, j, 1) > x$ THEN EXIT FOR
  MID$(a$, i, 1) = MID$(a$, j, 1)
  MID$(a$, j, 1) = x$
  FOR j = 1 TO (LEN(a$) - i) \ 2
   x$ = MID$(a$, i + j, 1)
   MID$(a$, i + j, 1) = MID$(a$, LEN(a$) - j + 1, 1)
   MID$(a$, LEN(a$) - j + 1, 1) = x$

It finds only

  Posted by Charlie on 2003-12-22 18:52:44

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