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Square Clues (Posted on 2003-12-29) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Arrange the digits 1-9 in a 3x3 square using each once only according to the following rules:
  1. Exactly one prime is directly above a prime two less.

  2. Each pair of opposite corners sums to the same square total and exactly two columns share another square total.

  3. Exactly one prime is directly to the left of a non-prime two greater.

  4. Directly above exactly one square digit is a digit four greater.

  5. Directly to the right of exactly one cubic digit is a digit one greater.

See The Solution Submitted by DJ    
Rating: 3.8333 (6 votes)

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Solution (no program required) | Comment 4 of 5 |
From 1: Columns of
3 5 7
| | |
1 3 5

From 4: Columns of
5 8
| |
1 4

Only possiblity is column:

From 2 we have corner sums of 9 since all other squares are impossible for two locations. From this we find that 9 cannot be in a corner.

From Rule 3 we have the choice of row:
2 - 4
7 - 9

If the column (7,5,1) is in center position then from Rule 3 :2-4 is not possible (requires split) and 7-9 puts 9 in a corner where it cannot go. Therefore column (7,5,1) is not in center position.

From Rule 5 we have rows:
1 - 2
8 - 9

If column (7,5,1) is the left column, then to meet Rule 2, the right column is (8, x, 2). Neither possibility (1-2, 8-9) for Rule 5 will fit.

Therefore column (7,5,1) is the right column.
Using Rule 2 and drawing the 3x3 square:
8 x 7
x x 5
2 x 1

Rule 5 gives (cube next to number 1 higher)
8 9 7
x x 5
2 x 1

Rule 3 (prime next to non-prime 2 higher) gives
8 9 7
x x 5
2 4 1
and to meet the remaining requirement of Rule 2, the first two columns must total 16.
8 9 7
6 3 5
2 4 1

  Posted by Dan Blume on 2003-12-29 15:54:09
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