(In reply to
Solution (I think !) by Penny)
I suspect that theoretically n can be infinite, but your thoughts do suggest that it is just possible that there is a limit and it is relatively low. Either way, your solution as posted is flawed.
Your first error is the assumption that "The first two have to be placed at least 1/2 apart." If the first is placed just before .5 and the second just after, they satisfy the conditions of the game and are far less than 1/2 apart. (Since, in this case, both would be the middle third of the line, you could not progress to n=3, but then you would need only choose a point immediately after .666... -- which is only slightly more than 1/6, and still far less than 1/2 -- and there will still be somewhere to place the third point.)
Your second error concerns the algorithm for placing the points. It fails at n = 6 regardless of your formula. Since, starting with point 4, each point is placed between the last point placed and 1, there is never a point placed between 0 and .333... Once the length of a segment drops to .1666... or lower there are segments in that range without points.
Note: For reasons SilverKnight explains in the previous response, the points in your algorithm should be irrational numbers arbirarily close to the numbers listed. (As long as n remains finite, a chosen point can be rational, p/q [reduced], provided it is not true that p ≤ q ≤ n, but for infinite n that eliminates all rationals
Edit: added following paragraph
While I was composing this, Penny and SilverKnight both posted new responses. My reference to SK's "last" reponse refers to his last previous response. (His second)
Edited on January 17, 2004, 3:04 am
Posted by TomM
on 2004-01-17 02:58:28 |