Find sum of digits of:(1999)^1999.
[The final answer should be a single digit number, for example, (2)^16 = 65536 and the sum of its digits will be given by (6 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 6 = 25, which again will be reduced to 2 + 5 = 7].
(In reply to
re: super easy by SilverKnight)
Adding the digits of a number, is the same as calculating the residue of dividing it by 9. So, asking for the sum of digits of 1999^1999 is the same as asking for
(1999^1999) mod 9 =
(1999 mod 9)^1999 mod 9 =
1^1999 mod 9 = 1
Posted by e.g.
on 2004-01-27 09:11:38 |