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The Rebel (Posted on 2004-01-01) Difficulty: 3 of 5
You want to know the out come of a race between 4 people who live in Race Town and ask the outcome of the race. Each of the four people give three statements.

Among these four people there is one knight (who always tells the truth), a liar (who always lies), a knave (who tells the truth and lies alternatingly), and a rebel. The rebel doesn't like the truth patterns of the other three, and will never follow the order of them. (So the rebel will say at least one thing false, and one thing true, but not in an alternating way.)

A: B is the liar.
C won the race.
I came in second.

B: C is the knight.
I came in last place.
C came in second.

C: D is the knave.
A won the race.
B came in last place.

D: B is the rebel.
C came in second place.
B came in third place.

Using this information, what is each person's type and in what order did they finish in the race?

See The Solution Submitted by Gamer    
Rating: 4.0000 (14 votes)

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solution | Comment 16 of 18 |
Worked on it during the Super Bowl so I may have missed something, but the only initial deduction I saw was that B could not be the knight. The rest was trial and error. A was the liar and won the race, B was the rebel and came in third, C was then knave and came in second, and D was the knight and came in last. Guess I'll go look it up now and see how I did.
  Posted by cogitater on 2004-02-02 02:41:22
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