I have a very strange clock. At first glance, it looks like a normal clock with three hands and the numbers 1 through 12 all around. The only differences are that the hands are indistinguishable from each other and they are faster. One hand completes a circle in 3 minutes, another in 4 minutes, and the last in 6 minutes. They all go clockwise.
One morning, when I looked at the clock, the hands were all pointing exactly at the numbers 1, 2, and 3.
Later that day, I saw that the three hands were pointing exactly at 6, 10, and 11.
Can you identify which hands I saw each time? Prove it.
The unique solution is :
hand 1 on 11
hand 2 on 10
hand 3 on 6
It can also be proven that this solution is unique and happens after 5 minutes.
Posted by pierre
on 2004-02-19 14:44:58 |