A palindrome is a word which reads the same backwards as it does forwards. Similarly, a number having this quality is considered 'palindromic'.
Consider the number 23. Reverse and add that number to 23 to yield the palindrome 55. This has taken one step.
Now consider the same reversal-summation process for 37. Over 2 steps it becomes the palindrome 121(37,73/110,011/121).
QUESTION: What 2 digit number requires the most stages to become a palindrome? How many stages is that, and what is the palindrome?
1] It will become quickly evident that certain combinations will run out fast (like, why use 32 when 23 is its reverse).
2] Spreadsheet calculator - If you need one. Copy the formula ' =A1+A2 ' into cell 3 of a column. Copy it into each successively descending odd cell as may be needed.
Format the column as 'Number' having no decimal places so as to override that particular time when the Exp. Not. default would normally cut in.
Enter your chosen number into A1 and continue to place the reverse total of each odd row into the cell of the next even row.
3] Obviously such sequences do occur beyond 2 digit numbers and while I have some 3 digit challenges in my personal literature, I am wondering if there is some 'easy' way of when a number becomes a palindrome - obviously I assume that it will happen with any number eventually (but should I pose that question, or even present some of the 3 digit challenges?).
The following program
200 MaxCt=0
300 for N=10 to 99
400 N$=mid(str(N),2,*)
500 N1$=N$
600 Ct=0
700 while 1=1
800 Rev$=""
900 for I=1 to len(N1$)
1000 Rev$=mid(N1$,I,1)+Rev$
1100 next
1200 if val(Rev$)=val(N1$) then goto 1700
1300 N1=val(N1$)+val(Rev$)
1400 N1$=mid(str(N1),2,*)
1500 Ct=Ct+1
1600 wend
1700 if Ct>MaxCt then MaxCt=Ct:MaxN=N
1800 next
1900 print MaxN,MaxCt
2100 N=MaxN
2300 dim Hist$(MaxCt)
2500 for N=10 to 99
2600 N$=mid(str(N),2,*)
2700 N1$=N$
2800 Ct=0
2900 while 1=1
3000 Rev$=""
3100 for I=1 to len(N1$)
3200 Rev$=mid(N1$,I,1)+Rev$
3300 next
3400 if val(Rev$)=val(N1$) then goto 4000
3500 N1=val(N1$)+val(Rev$)
3600 N1$=mid(str(N1),2,*)
3700 Ct=Ct+1
3800 Hist$(Ct)=N1$
3900 wend
4000 if Ct=MaxCt then
4100 :print N
4200 :for I=1 to MaxCt
4300 :print I,Hist$(I)
4400 :next:print
4600 next
finds both 89 and 98 lead to the following 24 steps:
1 187
2 968
3 1837
4 9218
5 17347
6 91718
7 173437
8 907808
9 1716517
10 8872688
11 17735476
12 85189247
13 159487405
14 664272356
15 1317544822
16 3602001953
17 7193004016
18 13297007933
19 47267087164
20 93445163438
21 176881317877
22 955594506548
23 1801200002107
24 8813200023188
The 3-digit equivalent gets bogged down at 196, where new numbers come up until the capacity of the programming language is exceeded. It starts out:
1 887
2 1675
3 7436
4 13783
5 52514
6 94039
7 187088
8 1067869
9 10755470
10 18211171
11 35322452
12 60744805
13 111589511
14 227574622
15 454050344
16 897100798
17 1794102596
18 8746117567
19 16403234045
20 70446464506
21 130992928913
22 450822227944
23 900544455998
24 1800098901007
25 8801197801088
26 17602285712176
27 84724043932847
28 159547977975595
29 755127757721546
30 1400255515443103
31 4413700670963144
32 8827391431036288
33 17653692772973576
34 85191620502609247
35 159482241005228405
36 664304741147513356
37 1317620482294916822
38 3603815405135183953
39 7197630720180367016
40 13305261530450734933
41 47248966933966985264
42 93507933867933969538
43 177104867844767940077
44 947154635293536341848
45 1795298270686072793597
46 9749270977546801719568
47 18408442064004592449047
The capacity of UBASIC is exceeded in the step (2577) after the following:
2576 880044439011753122881227195126554383818544395553644268175735928564859630
Edited on April 5, 2004, 9:05 am
Posted by Charlie
on 2004-04-05 09:04:20 |