A game of chess begins with 1.e4 (pawn to king four) and ends in the fifth move with knight takes rook mate. Reconstruct the game.
(One move in chess contains white's turn followed by black's turn.)
Hmmm, this is very easy to do in six moves, but I just can't seem to get my knight to his rook in time to do this in five. My six move solution is:
1.e4 a6
2.Ne2 b6
3.Nf4 a5
4. Ng6 f6
5. Qh5 b5
6. Nxh8+
Basically, White moves his knight and Queen forward, Black stupidly moves his King's Bishop's pawn, and the knight takes the rook, leaving the Queen with a discovered attack on the king.
Will try to get this down to five moves but may well have to change strategy.
Posted by Sam
on 2004-05-13 20:25:41 |