Three rings (planar circles) are "linked" together, but you'll notice that none is directly linked with another.
- The red ring is "behind" the yellow.
- The yellow ring is "behind" the blue.
- The blue ring is "behind" the red.
Still, while none is intertwined with another, it is impossible to pull them apart.
Is this a paradox?
Can this really be built?
Well, accordindly, if the rings were made out of pure metal, then you wouldn't even be able to put two together as such. If the two rings were able to have a small oppening in them, or that you could split them in half, with the other half hanging on one hindge then yes. Let's start with putting the Red and Yellow togehter, it's not that hard
and then all you have to do, is loop the blue on, as long as the blue stats UNDER the red but still hooked onto the Yellow, that it works. You will find that the Blue and Red Rings are NOT linked together, meaning the the Blue and red rings do not go Over Unde.
Another way is by putting on red ring and one blue ring in a form of a semi pyramid, / \ like that, and then you can easily link the yellow through. It is not impossible