I die half my life and live the rest.
I dance without music and breathe without breath.
What am I ?
I think that one way to perhaps figure it out would be to list anything that fits each one of the catagories, and then see if there is anything in all of them.
For example:
"I die half my life and live the rest": Technically every living thing is dieing, so a lot of things could go here.
"I dance without music": Light and Fire are said to dance
"Breathe without breath": All plants and insect life respire (breath), but both do it through pores/holes in the exoskeleton/leaves.
But I can't find anything for all of them, but possibilities are Fire (since it has to die aswell, just in a different sense) and Leaves.
Posted by Jake
on 2004-07-16 08:59:29 |