Before tackling this one, take a look at
this one.
/| /|
/ | / |
/ | / |
/ | / |
C-------------+ |
| | | |
| B--------|----+
| / | /
| / | /
| / | /
|/ |/
A, B, C and D are non-adjacent vertices of a cube. There is a point P in space such that PA=3, PB=5, PC=7, and PD=6. Find the distance from P to the other four vertices and find the length of the edge of the cube.
There are two answers, one with P outside the cube and one with P inside the cube.
(In reply to
PD can't be 9. Correct Restrictions on PD. by np_rt)
Fortunately I chose my coordinate system the same as np_rt. My program chooses random values, within reason, for x, y, z and the size of the cube. It starts with a certain increment and figures the total discrepancies from the distances given. It does this for all possible locations with x, y, z and size incremented or decremented by the increment (delta), or not incremented -- but at least one must be incremented or decremented. Whichever produces the best result is taken as the new starting point. I tried various automatic schemes for decreasing the increment for finer results, but eventually had to make this a human intervention.
The program, using 8 as the goal for PD is:
size = 6
x = 5
y = 3
z = 1
aGoal = 3: bGoal = 5: cGoal = 7: dGoal = 8
x = RND(1) * 11
y = RND(1) * 4
z = RND(1) * 4
size = RND(1) * 4
delta = .1
GOSUB evalPos
aOff = da - 3
bOff = db - 5
cOff = dc - 7
dOff = dd - 11
FOR itr = 1 TO 48
leastTot = 9999
FOR dx = -delta TO delta STEP delta
xTr = x + dx
FOR dy = -delta TO delta STEP delta
yTr = y + dy
FOR dz = -delta TO delta STEP delta
zTr = z + dz
FOR dS = -delta TO delta STEP delta
sizeTr = size + dS
IF dx <> 0 OR dy <> 0 OR dz <> 0 OR dS <> 0 THEN
GOSUB evalTrPos
IF totTr < leastTot THEN
dxP = dx: dyP = dy: dzP = dz: dSP = dS
leastTot = totTr
xTr = x + 2 * dxP: yTr = y + 2 * dyP: zTr = z + 2 * dzP
sizeTr = size + 2 * dSP
GOSUB evalTrPos
'IF totTr > leastTot THEN delta = delta * .8
x = x + dxP: y = y + dyP: z = z + dzP: size = size + dSP
GOSUB evalPos
PRINT USING "#.### #.### #.###; ##.#### ##.#### ##.#### ##.#### ##.####"; x; y; z; size; da; db; dc; dd
NEXT itr
DO: a$ = INKEY$: LOOP UNTIL a$ > ""
IF a$ = "-" THEN delta = delta / 2
LOOP UNTIL a$ = CHR$(27)
daTr = SQR((xTr - sizeTr) ^ 2 + (yTr - sizeTr) ^ 2 + zTr ^ 2)
dbTr = SQR(xTr ^ 2 + yTr ^ 2 + zTr ^ 2)
dcTr = SQR((xTr - sizeTr) ^ 2 + (zTr - sizeTr) ^ 2 + yTr ^ 2)
ddTr = SQR((yTr - sizeTr) ^ 2 + (zTr - sizeTr) ^ 2 + xTr ^ 2)
totTr = ABS(daTr - aGoal) + ABS(dbTr - bGoal) + ABS(dcTr - cGoal) + ABS(ddTr - dGoal)
da = SQR((x - size) ^ 2 + (y - size) ^ 2 + z ^ 2)
db = SQR(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + z ^ 2)
dc = SQR((x - size) ^ 2 + (z - size) ^ 2 + y ^ 2)
dd = SQR((y - size) ^ 2 + (z - size) ^ 2 + x ^ 2)
totTr = ABS(da - aGoal) + ABS(db - bGoal) + ABS(dc - cGoal) + ABS(dd - dGoal)
After a few iterations we get the following line:
4.043 2.530 -1.502; 4.9600 3.0000 5.0000 7.0000 8.0000
Indicating the cube side is 4.9600 with x=4.043, y=2.530, z=-1.502. The negative z indicates the point is external to the cube, below the bottom as shown.
I never seem to get a point within the cube.
Posted by Charlie
on 2004-07-18 19:58:24 |