If all the irreducible fractions between 0 and 1, with denominators at most 99, are listed in ascending order, which two fractions would be before and after 11/21?
Determine which two fractions are adjacent to 34/87 in this listing.
11/21 = 44/84 = 43/82.0909... which is pretty close to 43/82. The same idea applies to 11/21 = 44/84 = 45/85.9090... I would not sure these are the closest though.
As for the other one, 34/87 = 35/86.5588... so it's pretty far away from 35/87 or 35/86, so I don't think that could be it.
Posted by Gamer
on 2004-07-23 12:30:22 |