Two good tic-tac-toe players started a game, but the wind blew away their paper just after the second play. Given that the situation was as follows, who was to play next, O or X?
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O | |
X | |
If X had played the opposite corner, what would you say?
O was to play next. If X was next, O would not be a good player. X would place his X on the upper right hand corner, thus securing a win. However, if it is O's turn, there is no way for him to win. Thus both players are good.
If X had played the opposite corner, then it is impossible to tell, because whoever's turn it was could secure a win (if it is X's turn, he plays lower left hand corner, securing a win. If it is O's turn, he also plays lower left hand corner, securing a win). Becuase the problem states that they are good players, every game should be a draw...
Posted by Henry
on 2004-07-30 11:34:30 |