Take the digits
2, 0, 0 and 3. Make equations equating to all the integers from 1 to 150 using these digits according to the following rules:-
a) The above digits are the only digits to be used and no other digits should appear anywhere in the equation (except on the side where the answer will be).
b) Use of any mathematical symbols are allowed.
c) The digits 2, 0, 0 and 3 should appear in the given order in the equation. e.g - 0 + 2 + 3 + 0 = 5 is not acceptable.
d) When using the mathematical symbols try using the most simplest forms as much as possible.
(In reply to
re: solution by friedlinguini)
but it is written in the correct order, as I've previously explained. When written, the n=0 (below the sum sign) shifts the zero slighlty to the right of th 2 (above the sum sign). That is why I requested that you actually write it out yourself. In any case, the limits could be changed to
(-)2 to zero, and then simply include a negative sign in front of each case of the parameter. Surely one of these two solutions will satisfy your order requirement.
And yes, of course it was an incomplete solution, I guess I just didn't think that that final step (0*3) needed to be justified. (I considered it obvious when I suppose that it really isn't)