It was logical that four asian countries (Japan, Korea, Laos and Malaysia) should be the judo finalists, but I couldn’t learn the relative standings.
A reporter told me “Laos won silver, and/or Malaysia won bronze.” Other reporter added “Japan won gold, and/or Korea won bronze.” A third one added “Laos won gold, and/or Japan won silver.”
I couldn’t make heads or tails out of this, until I remembered that in judo, two bronze medals are awarded. Which were the standings?
Let's say that "=" means "has xxx Medal" and "!=" means "don't have XXX medal"
(1) Laos = Silver OR Malaysia = Bronze (L=S OR M=B)
(2) Japan = Gold OR Korea = Bronze (J=G OR K=B)
(3) Laos = Gold OR Japan = Silver (L=G OR J=S)
a) Let's prove that L=G
(4) if L!=G => J=S because of (3)
(5) J=S (4) => J!=G => K=B (2)
(6) K=B => K!=G, J=S => J!=G. As J,K, L don't have G, M=G
M=G => M!=B => L=S (1) but J=S so this is a problem so L!=G must be false.
b) Let's finish it
L=G => J!=G => K=B (2)
L=G => L!=S => M=B (1)
Remains J=S
Laos = Gold
Japan = Silver
Korea = Bronze
Malaysia = Bronze