I can sizzle like bacon, I am made with an egg,
I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg,
I peel layers like onions, but still remain whole,
I can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole,
What am I?
I think I got it! For a while I was baffled, but when I came back to it, it just hit me.
It’s a snake
They hiss, which makes a similar sound to sizzling bacon
They are hatched out of eggs
They are vertebrate animals, so they have a backbone
They don’t have any limbs so they don’t have a leg.
They shed their skin periodically, so they peel layers like an onion, but they don’t just peel away to nothing.
They are long like a flagpole, but slither into holes since they are skinny.
That’s what I think, at least =)
Posted by nikki
on 2004-09-10 10:26:11 |