Consider a 5 by 5 Chess Board. Is it possible to place
5 Queens on the board such that three pawns can safely
be placed on the board? (aka, by carefully choosing where
to place the 5 queens, can you arrange it so that there
are 3 squares on the board that none of the queens can
(From -
Jen's solution is correct, and not counting rotations and reflections (which would yield 7 more solutions), this answer is unique.
Here's a VB.Net program that does an exhaustive search, displaying all 8 solutions (reflections and rotations of the original one):
Module Module1
Dim board(24) As Integer
Dim diagonal(13) As String
Sub Main()
'board values: 0 = empty, not attacked, 1 - queen, 2 = attacked.
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
diagonal(0) = ",1,5,"
diagonal(1) = ",2,6,10,"
diagonal(2) = ",3,7,11,15,"
diagonal(3) = ",4,8,12,16,20,"
diagonal(4) = ",9,13,17,21,"
diagonal(5) = ",14,18,22,"
diagonal(6) = ",19,23,"
diagonal(7) = ",3,9,"
diagonal(8) = ",2,8,14,"
diagonal(9) = ",1,7,13,19,"
diagonal(10) = ",0,6,12,18,24,"
diagonal(11) = ",5,11,17,23,"
diagonal(12) = ",10,16,22,"
diagonal(13) = ",15,21,"
'place the queens
For i = 0 To 4
board(i) = 1
While AdvanceAQueen()
If UnattackedSquareCount() > 2 Then
For i = 0 To 4
For j = 0 To 4
Console.Write(board(i * 5 + j))
End If
End While
End Sub
Function AdvanceAQueen() As Boolean
'searching backwards from square 24 find the first queen with an available square after it, and advance it.
' then place all subsequent queens (if any) immediately after the one we moved, and free up all squares
' from there to the end.
Dim queenNumber As Integer = 5 'this is the ordinal number of the queen we're advancing (usually the last).
Dim i As Integer
Dim foundAnOpening As Boolean = False
For i = 24 To 0 Step -1
If board(i) = 1 And Not foundAnOpening Then
queenNumber -= 1
If queenNumber < 1 Then
'all 5 queens are in the last 5 positions on the board--can't advance; we're done.
Return False
Exit Function
End If
ElseIf board(i) <> 1 And Not foundAnOpening Then
foundAnOpening = True
ElseIf board(i) = 1 Then
board(i) = 0
For k As Integer = queenNumber To 5
i += 1
board(i) = 1
For j As Integer = i + 1 To 24
board(j) = 0
Exit For
End If
Return True
End Function
Function UnattackedSquareCount() As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
'clear all squares with no queen
For i = 0 To 24
If board(i) <> 1 Then board(i) = 0
'set the attacked squares.
For i = 0 To 24
If board(i) = 1 Then
For j = 0 To 24
If board(j) <> 1 Then
If j Mod 5 = i Mod 5 Then
board(j) = 2 'same column
ElseIf Int(i / 5) = Int(j / 5) Then
board(j) = 2 'same row
'are i and j in the same diagonal?
For k = 0 To 13
If diagonal(k).IndexOf("," & i.ToString & ",") > -1 _
And diagonal(k).IndexOf("," & j.ToString & ",") > -1 Then
board(j) = 2
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End If
'now count unattacked squares
k = 0
For i = 0 To 24
If board(i) = 0 Then k += 1
Return k
End Function
End Module