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Lost the Key (Posted on 2003-12-11) Difficulty: 3 of 5
A teacher gave her students a short quiz, but after grading the test, she lost her grade book and the answer key. Here are five students' exams:

Paul's test:

  1. eggs
  2. evaporation
  3. Alligator
  4. a potato
  5. teeth
Todd's test:
  1. milk
  2. transportation
  3. Alligator
  4. a kangaroo
  5. teeth
Jason's test:
  1. eggs
  2. transportation
  3. Crocodile
  4. a kangaroo
  5. ears
Alicia's test:
  1. eggs
  2. evaporation
  3. Alligator
  4. a kangaroo
  5. teeth
Bebe's test:
  1. milk
  2. transportation
  3. Crocodile
  4. a kangaroo
  5. ears
She did remember, however, that someone got all five questions correct, someone got four right, someone got three correct, another person got two questions correct, and one person got only one answer right.

Who got all five questions correct?

See The Solution Submitted by DJ    
Rating: 3.1429 (21 votes)

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Solution | Comment 16 of 19 |
alicia is the only one that could get all right
  Posted by Todd on 2004-09-27 14:00:52
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