Find all integers 1<=k<=169 for which 169 is not the sum of k nonzero squares.
The squares are not necessarily unique. For example k=5: 169=1+4+4+16+144.
This should be done without a brute force program.
First Wave:
For k=169, we have the sum of 169 1's. We need to trade 4 of the 1's to get the next square sum, 165*1+4, so there are square sums with 168 and 167 terms. By the same argument, 161*1+2*4 skips over square sums with 165 and 164 terms. With this technique of substituting 4 for 4 ones covers the k's:
k=169, 166, 163, 160, ..., 43->1+42*4
Once down to k=163 where we have at least two 4's, Substituting 9 for 1+2*4 on each of these give a net loss of two on k:
k=161, 158, 155, 152, ..., 41->40*4+9
Starting with k=155, we can do another substitution on 9 for 1+2*4 on the last set to cover:
k=153, 150, 147, 144, ..., 42->3*1+37*4+2*9
This spread does devastating damge once we get started. 168, 167, 165, 164, 162, 159, 152 are the only k>40 where 169 can not be written k terms of squares.
Second Wave:
Now start with the sum 69*1+100 and begin the above game again. By doing just the 4's, we cover:
k=70, 67, 64, 61, ..., 19->1+17*4+100
Starting with k=64, we do the 9 game:
k=62, 59, 56, 53, ..., 17->15*4+9+100
Starting with k=56, we do the second 9:
k=54, 51, 48, 45, ..., 18->3*1+12*4+2*9+100
Notice that our last gap in this wave is at 52, well within the coverage of the first wave. So, except for the k mentioned in the first wave, we have all k covered for k>16.
Third Wave:
Starting with the sum 48*1+121, we can use the same constructions in the first two waves. The last gap is at k=31, and covered by the second wave. The last k covered in this wave is k=12 given by the sum 2*1+7*4+2*19+121.
Last Wave:
Conclusion: We can write 169 as the sum of k square terms, for k<170, k not equal to 168, 167, 165, 164, 162, 159, 152. Whew ... that took way too much time :-)
Posted by owl
on 2004-11-05 08:12:46 |