I present to you a deck of 4 cards. Each card has on one side a letter of the alphabet, and on the other side a single digit from 0-9.
I propose a hypothesis that may apply to this deck:
If the letter is 'E', then the number on the other side is '4'.
I then drop the 4 cards on the table, and you see:
'B', '7', 'E', '4' (on the respective cards).
Which of the 4 cards must you turn over to verify or disprove my hypothesis?
(In reply to
3 Scenarios by Syzygy)
From the question, I get the impression that duplicate numbers and duplicate letters are allowed. Therefore, the 'E' and '7' cards need to be turned over to either prove or disprove.
If duplicates are not allowed, then I agree that no cards need to be turned over; however, again, I don't think the assumption that duplicates are not allowed can be made.