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Fill In The Squares (Posted on 2004-12-28) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Place the numbers 1 through 25 in the grid below:
   1 2 3 4 5
A | | | | | |
B | | | | | |
C | | | | | |
D | | | | | |
E | | | | | |
  1. The sum of each column is odd
  2. The sum of each row, except C, is even
  3. The sum of row A is not greater than the sum of any other row
  4. The sum of the diagonal E1 to A5 is less than that of the diagonal A1 to E5
  5. A4 + B4 > C4 + D4 + E4
  6. A1 + B1 = D1 + E1
  7. A1 > E1
  8. A1, A3 and B1 are all prime numbers
  9. (A3 + E3) is a prime number
  10. A5, D1, D3 and E1 are all squares
  11. B2, C2 and D2 are ascending consecutive numbers
  12. B3, C3 and D3 are ascending consecutive numbers
  13. B5 + D5 = A5 + C5
  14. (C1)² + (C5)² = (E3)²
  15. C5 is a two digit number
  16. D5 is a multiple of E5
  17. E1 + E3 = E2 + E4 + E5

See The Solution Submitted by Nosher    
Rating: 4.3333 (9 votes)

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re(3): Complete Solution! no computer | Comment 11 of 23 |
(In reply to re(2): Complete Solution! no computer by Penny)

Penny (& Charlie).  I didn't mean to suggest that writing a program to solve a puzzle is easy (or cheating).  My sincere apologies if I have given that impression.  I really just wanted to congratulate Nikki on solving the problem without the assistance of a computer.  I said in my first comment that I don't write programs.  I wasn't telling the complete truth.  Actually, I've been a programmer for 31 years (next Tuesday) and I often use a program to solve puzzles.  Further, I often check out your posted programs to see if I would have used a similar approach.

End of solioquy...solilili...damn it, you know what I mean.

  Posted by Farthing on 2004-12-30 21:15:55
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