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Knight vs King and Mines (Posted on 2005-03-07) Difficulty: 3 of 5
A white knight is at c1, and the black king is at its starting position. White moves first, and tries to reach the black king, who will remain at its square. At each turn, the black king can sow a mine in any empty square. White wins if the knight reaches the King, and loses if it runs out of moves.

Who wins this game?

See The Solution Submitted by Federico Kereki    
Rating: 4.0000 (3 votes)

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re: Complete solution | Comment 9 of 15 |
(In reply to Complete solution by Tristan)

I hadn't seen Tristan's map solution; my map is similar:
Tristan's 2,3,4,5:  I called 'k'
Tristan's 6,7,8,9:  I called bold '2'
Tristan's 'x' squares:  I called bold '3'

But here's the problem:
If king moves 2, knight moves 6.
then king moves 4,
now, it doesn't matter which 'x' knight moves to (the x that could attack 3 or 4  vs  the x that could attack 4 or 5) because there is no more fork.

So maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see how White can force a win.

  Posted by Larry on 2005-03-09 03:29:00
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