Make a list of prime numbers, using the digits from 0 to 9 exactly once each in the list. What is the minimum sum of all the numbers in such a list? What's the minimum product of all the numbers in such a list?
At first thought, it would seem that using single-digit primes would minimize either of the two: the sum or the product. However, with single-digit primes 2, 3, 5, 7 used, that leaves only 1 and 9 available to end any other prime numbers to be formed, and with the six digits remaining, the best you can do is 461+809=1270.
Since we do need a three-digit prime (as zero can't be either a leading or a trailing digit), even two-digit primes would not upset the total too much in the attempt to minimize the sum, so we could go with one 1-digit prime, three 2-digit primes and a 3-digit prime with zero in the middle. The possibilities, through exhaustive search, are:
2 41 53 67 809 972
2 41 53 89 607 792
2 41 59 83 607 792
2 41 67 83 509 702
2 41 67 89 503 702
2 47 53 61 809 972
2 47 53 89 601 792
2 47 59 83 601 792
2 47 61 83 509 702
2 47 61 89 503 702
2 53 67 89 401 612
2 59 67 83 401 612
5 23 41 67 809 945
5 23 41 89 607 765
5 23 47 61 809 945
5 23 47 89 601 765
5 23 67 89 401 585 *
5 29 41 83 607 765
5 29 47 83 601 765
5 29 67 83 401 585 *
where 585 is the smallest total, achievable in the two ways marked with an asterisk.
There are no solutions where there are two 1-digit primes, a 2-digit prime and two 3-digit primes. That leaves 585 as the minimum total.
The program used for the above (with minor modifications to do the 1,1,2,3,3-digit search) is:
10 Y$="123456789"
20 for P=1 to !(len(Y$))
30 gosub *Permute(&Y$)
40 A=val(mid(Y$,1,1)):B=val(mid(Y$,2,2)):C=val(mid(Y$,4,2))
41 D=val(mid(Y$,6,2)):E=val(mid(Y$,8,1)+"0"+mid(Y$,9))
50 if A>0 and B>10 and C>10 and D>10 and E>100 then
65 :if A>0 and B>A and C>B and D>C and E>D then:
70 :if nxtprm(A-1)=A and nxtprm(B-1)=B and nxtprm(C-1)=C and nxtprm(D-1)= D and nxtprm(E-1)=E then print A,B,C,D,E,A+B+C+D+E
80 next
1000 end
10020 *Permute(&A$)
10025 local X$,I,L$,J
10030 X$=""
10040 for I=len(A$) to 1 step -1
10050 L$=X$
10060 X$=mid(A$,I,1)
10070 if X$<L$ then cancel for:goto 10100
10080 next
10100 if I=0 then
10110 :for J=1 to len(A$)\2
10120 :X$=mid(A$,J,1)
10130 :mid(A$,J,1)=mid(A$,len(A$)-J+1,1)
10140 :mid(A$,len(A$)-J+1,1)=X$
10150 :next
10160 :else
10170 :for J=len(A$) to I+1 step -1
10180 :if mid(A$,J,1)>X$ then cancel for:goto 10200:endif
10190 :next
10200 :mid(A$,I,1)=mid(A$,J,1)
10210 :mid(A$,J,1)=X$
10220 :for J=1 to (len(A$)-I)\2
10230 :X$=mid(A$,I+J,1)
10240 :mid(A$,I+J,1)=mid(A$,len(A$)-J+1,1)
10250 :mid(A$,len(A$)-J+1,1)=X$
10260 :next
10270 :endif
10280 return
For the product portion, though, single-digit primes are in fact better, as, for example, multiplying by 2*3 is better than multiplying by 23, as each digit is less than the factor of 10 that a decimal place costs.
Taking the single-digit primes separately leaves 6 digits remaining. This can't be split up into more than two primes, as a miniumum of three-digit prime is needed for the zero, leaving at most 3 other digits, so one of them would have to be single-digit, but we had already used up the single-digit primes.
An exhaustive search of the allocation of the remaining six digits to two numbers yields
a b product (a*b*2*3*5*7)
41 6089 52426290
41 8069 69474090
41 8609 74123490
461 809 78319290
641 809 108899490
leaving the smallest product as 41 * 6089 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 = 52426290
Program fragment:
10 Y$="146890.":Prims=2*3*5*7
20 for P=1 to !(len(Y$))
30 gosub *Permute(&Y$)
40 Ix=instr(Y$,".")
50 if Ix<>1 and Ix<>len(Y$) then
55 :if left(Y$,1)<>"0" and mid(Y$,Ix+1,1)<>"0" then
60 :A=val(left(Y$,Ix-1)):B=val(mid(Y$,Ix+1,*))
65 :if A>0 and B>A then:
70 :if nxtprm(A-1)=A and nxtprm(B-1)=B then
72 :print A,B,A*B*Prims
80 next
1000 end
However, if we look for one 6-digit prime instead, then we get a lower product: 104869 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 = 22022490.
It would not help to make a 7-digit prime by subsuming the 7 into the large prime, as that would effectively multiply by 10 while dividing by 7, and this is verified by the smallest being 1046897*2*3*5=31406910.
Posted by Charlie
on 2005-03-13 17:57:01 |