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Prime Product Permutation (Posted on 2005-03-21) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Find three different digits that no matter in what order they are arranged, the three digit number formed is the product of two primes.

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Solution Exhaustive Search via computer program -- spoiler | Comment 1 of 6

  100   for D1=0 to 7
  200   for D2=D1+1 to 8
  300   for D3=D2+1 to 9
  400   Good=1
  500   B$=cutspc(str(D1))+cutspc(str(D2))+cutspc(str(D3))
  600   for Ii=1 to 6
  700    N=val(B$)
  800    P=2
  900    T=N:Ct=0
 1000    while P<=sqrt(T)
 1100      if T@P=0 then
 1200        :Ct=Ct+1:T=T//P
 1300      :else
 1400        :P=nxtprm(P)
 1500    wend
 1510   if T>1 then Ct=Ct+1
 1600    if N>99 and Ct<>2 then Good=0:cancel for:goto *NotGood
 1700    gosub *Permute(&B$)
 1800   next Ii
 1900   if Good then print D1,D2,D3
 2000   *NotGood
 2100   next D3
 2110   next D2
 2120   next D1
 2200   end
 2400   *Permute(&A$)
 2500   local I,J,X$,Fl
 2600    X$=""
 2700    for I=len(A$) to 1 step -1
 2800     L$=X$
 2900     X$=mid(A$,I,1)
 3000     if X$<L$ then cancel for:goto *Outta
 3100    next I
 3200   *Outta
 3300    if I=0 then
 3400     :for J=1 to len(A$)\2
 3500     :X$=mid(A$,J,1)
 3600     :mid(A$,J,1)=mid(A$,len(A$)-J+1,1)
 3700     :mid(A$,len(A$)-J+1,1)=X$
 3800     :next J
 3900    :else
 4000     :for J=len(A$) to I+1 step -1
 4100     :if mid(A$,J,1)>X$ then cancel for:goto 4300:endif
 4200     :next J
 4300     :mid(A$,I,1)=mid(A$,J,1)
 4400     :mid(A$,J,1)=X$
 4500     :for J=1 to (len(A$)-I)\2
 4600     :X$=mid(A$,I+J,1)
 4700     :mid(A$,I+J,1)=mid(A$,len(A$)-J+1,1)
 4800     :mid(A$,len(A$)-J+1,1)=X$
 4900     :next J
 5000   return

finds 1, 7 and 8.

The zero was included among the digits even though it would lead to two permutations with a leading zero; even so, none were found with that allowance.

A modification to print the prime factors of the six permutations gives

 178:     2  89
 187:     11  17
 718:     2  359
 781:     11  71
 817:     19  43
 871:     13  67

  Posted by Charlie on 2005-03-21 15:15:26
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