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Sunday the 1st (Posted on 2005-04-18) Difficulty: 2 of 5
In a calendar year, how many months, maximum, can start on a Sunday? What will be the next (very unlucky?) year when this maximum occurs?

Must every calendar year have at least one month that starts on a Sunday?

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Looking at this problem modulo 7 the cumulative values of the various 1st’s of the months are:

<o:p> </o:p>

Non-leap year: (Taking January as being day 1)

Feb = 4

Mar = 4

Apr = 7

May = 2

Jun = 5

Jul = 7

Aug = 3

Sep = 6

Oct = 1

Nov = 4

Dec = 6

<o:p> </o:p>

Leap year: (Taking January as being day 1)

Feb = 4

Mar = 5

Apr = 1

May = 3

Jun = 6

Jul = 1

Aug = 4

Sep = 7

Oct = 2

Nov = 5

Dec = 7

<o:p> </o:p>

Each of the lists contains all of the days from 1 to 7.  So to answer the second question first, yes, either type of year must thus have at least one Sunday.

<o:p> </o:p>

As for the 1st question the most frequent day is 3 in either type of year.  For non-leaps, the maximum is a ‘day 4’, and leaps the most frequent is a ‘day 1’.  Thus maximum Sundays occur, in the case of a non-leap year, if the 1st January (day 1) is a Thursday, and in a leap-year if the 1st January is a Sunday.

<o:p> </o:p>

Finally for the part asking how long before the next maximum Sunday year, we need to look at the overall days in the year:  Non-leap years have 365 days, which means if January 1st is day 1, the next year’s 1st January will be day 2.  Leap years with 366 have the subsequent year starting at day 3.  Maximum frequencies being day 4 for non-leaps, day 1 for leaps, gives the following result, that we have to wait 3 years for the next max: Either,

<o:p> </o:p>

If we start with the year immediately following a leap, it has day 4 as a max, the next year, day 5, the next day 6, and the leap following that will start on a day 1 (a leap year’s most frequent day)

<o:p> </o:p>


<o:p> </o:p>

Starting with a leap year with its most frequent as day 1, the next year will be starting with day 3 (making day 6 the most frequent), the one after starts on day 4 (maximising the number of day 7s) and the 3rd year will start on day 5 (maximising the day 1s)

<o:p> </o:p>

To quantify this, our options are for quickest return to another 3 Sunday year:

Start with a leap-year which starts on a Sunday (the last one was 1984, the next will be 2012), or start in the year immediately after a leap which begins on a Thursday (last occurring in 1981, next occurring in 2009). Either has 3 Sundays, and 3 years after also has 3 Sundays.

  Posted by Alec on 2005-04-18 11:25:36
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