What is the 1000th digit to the right of the decimal point in the decimal representation of (1+√2)^3000?
This problem can be solved by algebra alone, without the need for computers or calculators
(In reply to
re: Solution [FK's] by Tristan)
"Newton's Formula" used by FK is more commonly called "The Binomial
Theorem". Expanding each of (1+sqrt(2))^n and (1-sqrt(2))^n and adding
the expansions will give a whole number result because the terms
involving the odd powers of sqrt(2) cancel out and each term
involving an even power of sqrt(2) is an integer equal to twice an even
power of sqrt(2) times a binomial coefficient.
Newton generalized the ordinary binomial theorem that holds for
positive integer powers to include negative and rational powers, and
this is perhaps why the binomial theorem is sometimes called Newton's
Theorem, or Newton's Binomial Theorem.
Edited on April 28, 2005, 8:18 pm
Posted by Richard
on 2005-04-28 18:26:07 |