...is writing very large programs (copy/pasting duplicate code - I've given up on recursive logic) to solve problems like this one as quickly and efficiently as possible.
[The modified program summarized below executes in less than a minute]
1 5 2 7 8 3 4 6 9
7 3 6 1 9 4 5 2 8
4 8 9 2 6 5 7 3 1
3 2 8 6 4 7 9 1 5
5 9 1 8 3 2 6 7 4
6 4 7 9 5 1 3 8 2
2 1 3 4 7 9 8 5 6
8 7 4 5 2 6 1 9 3
9 6 5 3 1 8 2 4 7
The following program ran is less than 1 minute (1:40:43 PM to 1:41:25 PM) to find that as the unique matrix:
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Math
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim strexit As String
Dim intmatrix(9, 9) As Integer
Dim intloop8 As Integer = 8
Dim strflag As String
Dim strstart As String
Dim intrefresh(60, 2) As Integer
Dim intloop59 As Integer = 59
strstart = TimeOfDay
Console.WriteLine("START TIME: " & strstart)
For nextindex As Integer = 1 To 9
cell_0(nextindex, intmatrix, intloop8, strflag, _
intrefresh, intloop59)
Console.WriteLine(" ")
Console.WriteLine("END TIME: " & TimeOfDay)
Console.WriteLine(" ")
strexit = "x"
While strexit > " "
Console.WriteLine( _
"Just hit ENTER to quit.")
strexit = LCase(Console.ReadLine())
End While
End Sub
Sub cell_0(ByRef thisindex, ByRef intmatrix, _
ByRef intloop8, ByRef strflag, ByRef intrefresh, _
ByRef intloop59)
Dim introw As Integer
Dim intcol As Integer
introw = intrefresh(0, 0)
intcol = intrefresh(0, 1)
intialize_matrix(intmatrix, intloop8, _
introw, intcol, intrefresh, intloop59)
searchgrid(introw, intcol, intmatrix, thisindex, strflag)
If strflag = "n" Then
Exit Sub
End If
searchrow(introw, intmatrix, thisindex, strflag, _
If strflag = "n" Then
Exit Sub
End If
searchcol(intcol, intmatrix, thisindex, strflag, _
If strflag = "n" Then
Exit Sub
End If
intmatrix(introw, intcol) = thisindex
For nextindex As Integer = 1 To 9
cell_1(nextindex, intmatrix, intloop8, strflag, _
intrefresh, intloop59)
End Sub
Sub cell_1(ByRef thisindex, ByRef intmatrix, _
ByRef intloop8, ByRef strflag, ByRef intrefresh, ByRef intloop59)
Dim introw As Integer
Dim intcol As Integer
introw = intrefresh(1, 0)
intcol = intrefresh(1, 1)
intialize_matrix(intmatrix, intloop8, _
introw, intcol, intrefresh, intloop59)
searchgrid(introw, intcol, intmatrix, thisindex, strflag)
If strflag = "n" Then
Exit Sub
End If
searchrow(introw, intmatrix, thisindex, strflag, _
If strflag = "n" Then
Exit Sub
End If
searchcol(intcol, intmatrix, thisindex, strflag, _
If strflag = "n" Then
Exit Sub
End If
intmatrix(introw, intcol) = thisindex
For nextindex As Integer = 1 To 9
cell_2(nextindex, intmatrix, intloop8, strflag, _
intrefresh, intloop59)
End Sub
etc...... etc...... etc........
Sub cell_59(ByRef thisindex, ByRef intmatrix, _
ByRef intloop8, ByRef strflag, ByRef intrefresh, ByRef intloop59)
Dim introw As Integer
Dim intcol As Integer
introw = intrefresh(59, 0)
intcol = intrefresh(59, 1)
intialize_matrix(intmatrix, intloop8, _
introw, intcol, intrefresh, _
searchgrid(introw, intcol, intmatrix, thisindex, strflag)
If strflag = "n" Then
Exit Sub
End If
searchrow(introw, intmatrix, thisindex, strflag, _
If strflag = "n" Then
Exit Sub
End If
searchcol(intcol, intmatrix, thisindex, strflag, _
If strflag = "n" Then
Exit Sub
End If
intmatrix(introw, intcol) = thisindex
display_results(intmatrix, intloop8)
End Sub
Sub searchgrid(ByRef introw, ByRef intcol, _
ByRef intmatrix, ByRef indexval, ByRef strflag)
Dim intstart1 As Integer
Dim intstart2 As Integer
strflag = "y"
If introw <= 2 Then
intstart1 = 0
If intcol <= 2 Then
intstart2 = 0
ElseIf intcol <= 5 Then
intstart2 = 3
intstart2 = 6
End If
ElseIf introw <= 5 Then
intstart1 = 3
If intcol <= 2 Then
intstart2 = 0
ElseIf intcol <= 5 Then
intstart2 = 3
intstart2 = 6
End If
intstart1 = 6
If intcol <= 2 Then
intstart2 = 0
ElseIf intcol <= 5 Then
intstart2 = 3
intstart2 = 6
End If
End If
For index1 As Integer = intstart1 To intstart1 + 2
For index2 As Integer = intstart2 To intstart2 + 2
If intmatrix(index1, index2) = indexval Then
strflag = "n"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub searchrow(ByRef introw, ByRef intmatrix, _
ByRef indexval, ByRef strflag, ByRef intloop8)
strflag = "y"
For index2 As Integer = 0 To intloop8
If intmatrix(introw, index2) = indexval Then
strflag = "n"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub searchcol(ByRef intcol, ByRef intmatrix, _
ByRef indexval, ByRef strflag, ByRef intloop8)
strflag = "y"
For index1 As Integer = 0 To intloop8
If intmatrix(index1, intcol) = indexval Then
strflag = "n"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub intialize_matrix(ByRef intmatrix, ByRef intloop8, _
ByRef introw, ByRef intcol, ByRef intrefresh, _
ByRef intloop59)
Dim strflag As String
Dim intsub1 As Integer
Dim intsub2 As Integer
strflag = "n"
For index1 As Integer = 0 To intloop59
If intrefresh(index1, 0) = introw And _
intrefresh(index1, 1) = intcol Then
strflag = "y"
End If
If strflag = "y" Then
intsub1 = intrefresh(index1, 0)
intsub2 = intrefresh(index1, 1)
intmatrix(intsub1, intsub2) = 0
End If
intmatrix(0, 3) = 7
intmatrix(0, 6) = 4
intmatrix(1, 1) = 3
intmatrix(1, 4) = 9
intmatrix(1, 7) = 2
intmatrix(2, 0) = 4
intmatrix(2, 5) = 5
intmatrix(3, 2) = 8
intmatrix(3, 8) = 5
intmatrix(4, 1) = 9
intmatrix(4, 4) = 3
intmatrix(4, 7) = 7
intmatrix(5, 0) = 6
intmatrix(5, 6) = 3
intmatrix(6, 3) = 4
intmatrix(6, 8) = 6
intmatrix(7, 1) = 7
intmatrix(7, 4) = 2
intmatrix(7, 7) = 9
intmatrix(8, 2) = 5
intmatrix(8, 5) = 8
End Sub
Sub display_results(ByRef intmatrix, ByRef intloop8)
Dim strstring As String
Console.WriteLine(TimeOfDay & ": One answer:")
For index1 As Integer = 0 To intloop8
strstring = ""
For index2 As Integer = 0 To intloop8
strstring &= Str(intmatrix(index1, index2)) & " "
End Sub
Sub init_refresh_tbl(ByRef intrefresh)
Dim intsub1 As Integer = -1
intsub1 += 1
intrefresh(intsub1, 0) = 0
intrefresh(intsub1, 1) = 4
intsub1 += 1
intrefresh(intsub1, 0) = 0
intrefresh(intsub1, 1) = 5
intsub1 += 1
intrefresh(intsub1, 0) = 1
intrefresh(intsub1, 1) = 3
etc...etc..... this table establishes the order of
cells so that the search is by a good subgrid order.
End Sub
End Module