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There is something missing (Posted on 2005-05-13) Difficulty: 3 of 5
This popular Japanese number puzzle has just one easy rule: In every Row, every Column and every 3x3 sub-grid, all the numbers from 1 to 9 should appear, but only once in each row, column and sub-grid.
| 0 0 0 | 7 0 0 | 4 0 0 |
| 0 3 0 | 0 9 0 | 0 2 0 |
| 4 0 0 | 0 0 5 | 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 8 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 5 |
| 0 9 0 | 0 3 0 | 0 7 0 |
| 6 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 3 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 | 4 0 0 | 0 0 6 |
| 0 7 0 | 0 2 0 | 0 9 0 |
| 0 0 5 | 0 0 8 | 0 0 0 |

Replace the 0's with the digits required to satisfy the rule.

See The Solution Submitted by Hugo    
Rating: 4.4000 (10 votes)

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Solution Totally by Hand | Comment 21 of 29 |
I will be referring to spots by a coordinate system.  I will call the
bottom left corner the origin, so the bottom left spot is (1,1).
Example: the 8s that are given are in spots (3,6) and (6,1).  I hope that clears up my nomenclature.

Sometimes I will refer to the 9 sub-grids.  I will call them TL, TC,
TR, CL, C, CR, BL, BC, BR  where T=top, C=center, B=bottom, L=left, and R=right.

There are two spots you can fill just by the numbers given.
(6,8) must be a 4 due to the 4s in TL, TR, BC.
(1,6) must be a 3 due to the 3s in TL, C, and CR.

Now you can fill in the following spots.  These don't have to go
exactly in this order, but there are some key spots that have to be filled before others, so I hope this helps.
(3,4) must be a 7 due to the 7s in CR and BL.
(1,8) must be a 7 due to the 7s in TC, CL, and BL.
(7,8) must be a 5 due to the 5s in TC, CR, and BL since there must be a 5 somewhere in row (x,8).

The rest of the 5's can be filled now.  I think they have to be
filled in the following order:
(8,3), (4,2), (5,4), (1,5), and (2,9).

(5,6) must be a 4 due to the 4s in TC and BC.
(6,6) must be a 7 due to the 7s in TC, CL, and CR.

(9,8) must be an 8, but this is a little complicated.  Row (x,8) still
needs an 8 in it and only has three open spots right now.  The 8 can't be at (3,8) due to the 8 in CL.  Now, the reason the 8 can't be at (4,8) is due to C.  The 8 in C must either be in (4,4) or (4,5) due to the 8s in CL and BC.  Either way, there will be an 8 in column (4,y) so the 8 in row (x,8) can't be at (4,8).  Therefore it must be at (9,8).

(8,4) must be an 8, and again this is a little complicated.  The 8 in
BR must either be in (7,2) or (7,3) due to the 8's in TR and BC.
Either way, there will be an 8 in column (7,y) so the 8 in CR can't be in column (7,y).  And then because of the 8s in TR and CL, that forces the 8 in CR to be at (8,4).

(4,5) must be an 8 due to the 8s in CL, CR, and BC.
(8,1) must be a 4 due to the 4s in TR and C since there must be a 4 somewhere in column (8,y).
(3,2) must be a 4 due to the 4s in TL, BC, and BR.
(3,3) must be a 3 due to the 3s in TL and CL.
(2,1) must be a 6 due to the 6s in CL and BR.
(6,2) must be a 6 due to the 6s in BL and BR.
(4,6) must be a 6 due to the 6s in CL and BC.
(3,8) must be a 6 due to the 6 in C since there must be a 6 somewhere in row (x,8).
(4,8) must be a 1 to finish off row (x,8).
(4,1) must be a 3 due to the 3s in C and BL.
(6,9) must be a 3 due to the 3s in C and BC.
(4,4) must be a 9 due to the 9 in TC since there must be a 9 somewhere in column (4,y).
(4,7) must be a 2 to finish off column (4,y).
(6,3) must be a 9 due to the 9 in TC.
(1,1) must be a 9 due to the 9s in BC and BR.
(7,6) must be a 9 due to the 9s in CL, C, and BR since there must be a 9 somewhere in row (x,6).
(2,6) must be a 2 due to the 2 in TR since there must be a 2 somewhere in row (x,6).
(8,6) must be a 1 to finish off row (x,6).
(8,7) must be a 3 due to the 3 in TC since there must be a 3 somewhere in column (8,y).
(8,9) must be a 6 to finish off column (8,y).
(5,7) must be a 6 due to the 6 in TR.
(5,9) must be an 8 to finish off TC.
(2,7) must be an 8 due to the 8s in TC, TR, and CL.
(7,5) must be a 6 due to the 6 in BR.
(2,4) must be a 4 due to the 4 in BL.
(9,5) must be a 4 due to the 4 in CL.
(9,4) must be a 2 to finish off CR.
(3,5) must be a 1 to finish off CL.
(6,5) must be a 2 to finish off row (x,5).
(6,4) must be a 1 to finish off row (x,4).
(1,9) must be a 1 due to the 1 in CL.
(3,9) must be a 2 due to the 2 in TC.
(3,7) must be a 9 to finish off TL.
(9,9) must be a 9 due to the 9 in TL.
(2,3) must be a 1 to finish off column (2,y).
(1,3) must be a 2 due to the 2 in BC.
(1,2) must be an 8 to finish off BL.
(7,3) must be an 8 due to the 8s in BL and BC.
(5,3) must be a 7 to finish off row (x,3).
(5,1) must be a 1 to finish off BC.
(7,1) must be a 2 due to the 2s in CR and BC.
(9,1) must be a 7 to finish off row (x,1).
(9,2) must be a 3 due to the 3 in CR.
(7,2) must be a 1 to finish off BR.
(7,7) must be a 7 to finish off column (7,y).
(9,7) must be a 1 to finish off TR.

TADA!  hope I didn't make any typos =)

  Posted by nikki on 2005-05-17 01:33:29
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