Eight cards are placed in the diagram shown below, one in each numbered cell. These are the facts:
a) There are 2 Aces, 2 Kings, 2 Queens and 2 Jacks.
b) Every Ace borders a King.
c) Every King borders a Queen.
d) Every Queen borders a Jack.
e) No Queen borders an Ace.
f) No two cards of the same kind border each other.
| 1 |
| 2 | 3 | 4 |
| 5 | 6 | 7 |
| 8 |
In what cells could you identify the card in it ?
(In reply to
Full Solution by Lisa)
There has to be at least one full chain of AKQJ; No chain has to
commence with an A, meaning that the single 'end' cells do not all have
to be either A's or J's.
This solution has a full chain 5643, and adding either and A to
either 7 or 8 creates another full chain. It only takes a
few moments then to add the remaining cards to make smaller chains; the
last J forms a chain of its own, and it does not have to border
Lisa, I had the concept of a full chain from 1 round to 2 and back, and
1 to 8, I saw the concept of a circular chain, by I went clockwise.
Well done!
Posted by brianjn
on 2005-06-15 00:54:58 |