You have a freakish friend who only drinks pure distilled water. And keeps jars of them stored up in his basement.
When you went over to visit him, he offered you a glass. To prove to you how pure his water is, he got a pH meter and measured the pH. To his surprise, the pH was not 7!
Shouldn't the pH of pure water be 7 at 25 degrees? What happened? And was the pH greater or less than 7?
well, the pH of water is exactly 7, so what happened here is that the water became not-water. Based on it being "pure" water, there aren't any chemicals or additives (like normally found in "drinking" water) to change it, so aside from sabotage (the jealous neighbor sneaks in and adds something to the water) or confusion ( the neighbor mistakenly grabs his jar of HCl (doesn't everybody keep these side by side and un-labelled?), I have no idea what happened. Of course, if I'm reading too much into the word "pure", then there are all sorts of chemistry experiments going on in water all the time. I'm not a Chemist though, so someone else will have to provide the mechanics.Or I missed the trick...